Worse - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of Worse in Hindi

  • ज़्यादा बुरा
  • और भी बुरा
  •  और भी बुरे प्रकार से 

Worse Definition


  • of poorer quality or lower standard; less good or desirable.


  • less well or skillfully.


  • a more serious or unpleasant event or situation.

Worse Example

  1. You are far worse! ( तुम बहुत बुरे हो! )
  2. It's worse than that. ( यह उससे भी बुरा है। )
  3. It's worse than before. ( यह पहले से भी बदतर है। )
  4. It looks worse than it is. ( यह इससे भी बदतर दिखता है। )
  5. What she saw was worse. ( उसने जो देखा वह और भी बुरा था। )
  6. She just keeps getting worse! ( वह बस खराब होती जा रही है! )
  7. It was worse than he thought. ( जितना उसने सोचा था उससे भी बुरा था। )
  8. It was the worse news I could hear. ( यह सबसे बुरी खबर थी जो मैं सुन सकता था। )
  9. His silence was worse than his anger. ( उसकी खामोशी उसके गुस्से से भी बदतर थी। )

More Sentence

  1. That's even worse than an inside dog.
  2. Worse than seeing him was feeling him.
  3. To live a worse fate under Memon's rule?
  4. Things were getting progressively worse.
  5. Maybe he's got something worse planned.
  6. This weekend looks worse than we thought.
  7. He released her, not wanting to make this worse.
  8. The relations between the two were now worse than before.
  9. What could be worse than what she had already been through?
  10. The shaking of the earth grew worse, until the walls began to tremble.
  11. The next day he again fell ill and was removed from Hampton Court to Whitehall, where his condition became worse.