wizerd - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of wizerd in Hindi

  •  बाज़ीगर
  • जादूगर

wizerd Definition

  • (in stories) a man who is believed to have magic powers

wizerd Example

  • I am no wizard, but I have always enjoyed a good game of pinball. ( मैं कोई जादूगर नहीं हूं, लेकिन मैंने हमेशा पिनबॉल के अच्छे खेल का आनंद लिया है। )
  • He was a wizard at appealing to everyone's sense of childlike wonder. ( वह एक ऐसे जादूगर थे जो बच्चों के समान आश्चर्य की हर भावना को आकर्षित करते थे। )
  • You may enjoy talking but this does not make you a wizard at verbal presentations. ( आपको बात करने में मज़ा आ सकता है लेकिन यह आपको मौखिक प्रस्तुतियों में जादूगर नहीं बनाता है। )
  • All the political wizards of the time took part in the debate. ( उस समय के सभी राजनीतिक जादूगरों ने बहस में हिस्सा लिया। )
  • The children and the Wizard rushed across the moving rock and sprang into the passage beyond, landing safely though a little out of breath. ( बच्चे और जादूगर हिलती हुई चट्टान के पार दौड़े और आगे के मार्ग में उछले, सांस की थोड़ी सी भी कमी के बावजूद सुरक्षित रूप से उतरे। )
  • Wizard choice of friends I. ( दोस्तों की जादूगर पसंद I.  )
  • The wizard waved his magic wand and disappeared into thin air.  ( जादूगर ने अपनी जादू की छड़ी लहराई और हवा में गायब हो गया। )

More Sentence

  • A raven swooped down from its perch in the rafters and dived at the wizard, talons open and gleaming.
  • This option does not delete default settings, which will still be available the next the wizard.
  • The wizards generally gather in specialized strongholds called covenants, which are often built in places of power.
  • The Grand Theogonist is dealt two spells at the start of the game in the same way as a level 2 wizard.
  • Just involves a crazy caper with a wizard robe and a bit of Mors madness.
  • Are you a wizard?
  • Using powerful magic and swordsmanship they battle overreaching wizards, demons seeking to destroy the world, and an occasional hapless gang of bandits.
  • As a boy you were so butch it hurt. Bike racing champ marble wizard.
  • Create the inbound FTP service using the adapter pattern wizard with these steps.
  • Although most Tillers were spendthrifts and never had a ha'penny or cent to their names, Florence was a financial wizard.
  • A French poem written seemingly within a generation after his death represents him as a wizard.
  • All that is left are ruins and rare artifacts, which are highly sought after by wizards.
  • He was a wizard with a ball, having speed, stamina, and accuracy when shooting at goal.
  • After unpacking it and getting to work I was somewhat dismayed at have a wizard sort everything for me.
  • Athyra commonly become wizards due to the power of magical knowledge.
  • I am no wizard, but I have always enjoyed a good game of pinball.
  • The central bank is not a wizard, but Congress has granted it vast financial clout – with the mission of pursuing twin goals of price stability and full employment.
  • Although most Tillers were spendthrifts and never had a ha’penny or cent to their names, Florence was a financial wizard.
  • Screen Rant posits the game's Vecna, a wizard who transformed into a lich, is the basis for the newest season's villain.
  • Whereas the human players select their spells before each turn begins, the computer wizards actually select their spells during the play stage of each turn.
  • By rights this guy should be alongside the big names of the scene; technically he is a wizard.
  • Perhaps our avian guest was delivering a message to a wizard via owl post.
  • We’ll need a wizard, though.