undefined - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of undefined in Hindi
- अपरिभाषित
- अनिर्धारित
- अनिश्चित
- जिसकी व्याख्या न हो
undefined Definition
- not clear or defined. ( स्पष्ट या परिभाषित नहीं। )
undefined Example
- Myers, who had met Jones from her waitressing days, offered her a undefined role in his business and she leapt at the chance. ( मायर्स, जो अपने प्रतीक्षारत दिनों से जोन्स से मिले थे, ने उन्हें अपने व्यवसाय में एक अपरिभाषित भूमिका की पेशकश की और वह इस अवसर पर छलांग लगा दी। )
- This undefined group of citizens seems to be a favorite of politicians on both ends of the political spectrum. ( नागरिकों का यह अपरिभाषित समूह राजनीतिक स्पेक्ट्रम के दोनों सिरों पर राजनेताओं का पसंदीदा लगता है। )
- Regrettably, this draft constitution, which is replete with jargon and undefined terms, fails to heed that lesson. ( अफसोस, यह मसौदा संविधान, जो शब्दजाल और अपरिभाषित शब्दों से भरा है, उस पाठ को ध्यान में रखते हुए विफल हो जाता है। )
- The plan is to pay a premium, still significantly lower than the Fairtrade price, to farmers who satisfy a set of ethical criteria, as yet undefined . ( योजना एक प्रीमियम का भुगतान करना है, जो अभी भी उचित मूल्य से काफी कम है, उन किसानों को जो नैतिक मानदंडों के एक सेट को संतुष्ट करते हैं, अभी तक अपरिभाषित हैं। )
More Sentence
- What first seemed like a glorious but undefined adventure is starting to take practical shape - at least in our minds.
- Maybe it was easier to scare people if the object of fear remained vague and undefined .
- In these opening scenes only Clooney is ever captured in focus, bodies flow around him but they are fuzzy outlines, blurred and undefined .
- After fifteen more attacks, that hope had dwindled to a vague, undefined optimism.
- Details of the technical procedures for registration are, however, totally undefined .
- At least some of the candidates were quick to recognize the potential for abstraction within these laudable yet undefined goals.
- In other words, time is a difficult concept to define and is often left undefined .
- How vague and indistinct and undefined the ideas of most men are upon the subject!
- The feeling was so strange; I wandered round the house with an undefined nostalgic yearning.
- He had the strong yet undefined torso of a teenager and the look of a sensitive artist, with pale skin and thin, red lips.
- Her eyes strained to see through the darkness, but she could only make out shadowy, undefined figures.
- However just because the rules of blogging are undefined does not mean we cannot play the same game.
- They also talked about me coming to work there in a currently undefined capacity.
- It's a Humpty-Dumpty word, with many different meanings, often undefined by the user.
- In this latest reply, however, you seem to be shifting the definition a bit to make it more vague and undefined .
- They can latch onto a rhetoric of ‘social justice,’ ever vague and undefined .
- While they haven't completely gone in a new direction, their sound just continues to evolve in an increasingly complex, and previously undefinable way.
- In both traditions it is undefinable and unexplainable, elusive, frustratingly near and far, always so close yet just outside intellect's reach.
- Although strongly rooted in folk, Bluegrass, and Celtic traditions, there's something undefinably personal and unique in his music; a disarming delicacy and grace.
- In truth, however, their relationship is undefinable , the only truth found not in explanation but description.
- And the end results are something undefinably great.
- Overall, there's an undefinably exotic texture that seems somehow strange and familiar at the same time.
- She has an undefinable quality and she stands for dignity and respect.
- The fish was fresh, but there was something undefinably wrong with the rice, and all the sushi was just shoddily made.
- The best journalists are often those who bring the undefinable , the intangible, to their work.
- Any one paragraph of its output could be mistaken for human, but there was something undefinably strange about it; he could tell what the computer was arguing, but not why.