the ovaries - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of the ovaries in Hindi

  • अंडाशय

the ovaries Definition


  • one of the typically paired essential female reproductive organs that produce eggs and in vertebrates female sex hormones

the ovaries Example

  • The seed is enclosed when ripe in the fruit, a development of the ovary as a result of fertilization of the egg-cell. ( जब फल में पक जाता है तो बीज संलग्न होता है, अंडा-कोशिका के निषेचन के परिणामस्वरूप अंडाशय का विकास होता है। ) 
  • There is usually no trace of ovary in the male flowers, though by exception one may occasionally be formed. ( नर फूलों में आमतौर पर अंडाशय का कोई निशान नहीं होता है, हालांकि अपवाद के रूप में कभी-कभी एक का गठन किया जा सकता है। )
  • The ovary consists of numerous carpels united together and free, or more or less embedded in the top of the flower-stalk. ( अंडाशय में कई कार्पेल एक साथ संयुक्त और मुक्त होते हैं, या कमोबेश फूल-डंठल के शीर्ष में एम्बेडेड होते हैं। )
  • The ovary is three-celled, and lies at the bottom of this tube. ( अंडाशय तीन-कोशिका वाला होता है, और इस ट्यूब के नीचे स्थित होता है। )

More Sentence

  • Sometimes the ovary must be removed as well.
  • The ovaries, too, are often removed on similar grounds.
  • But ovaries are the size of almonds and tucked deep inside.
  • Removing the ovaries reduces that chance by more than 35 percent.
  • At age 38, she had her breasts and ovaries removed.
  • Still, no one knows whether it will work with ovaries.
  • The closed ovary implies a mode of fertilization which is profoundly different, and which was probably correlated with a simultaneous development of insect life.
  • The cyst can disrupt cycles until it grows large enough to burst the ovary.
  • Sternbergia Fischeriana - Nearly allied, is hardy, and has the habit of S. lutea, from which it differs chiefly in flowering in spring instead of autumn, and by its stalked ovary and capsule.
  • In purpureo-coerulea the ovary and base of the segments are rosy-purple, gradually merging into blue, which becomes intense towards the tips, harmonising with the black and gold-banded anthers.
  • Progesterone-The hormone produced by the ovary after ovulation that prepares the uterine lining for a fertilized egg.