the countryside - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of the countryside in Hindi

  • देहात

the countryside Definition


  • the land and scenery of a rural area.
  • the inhabitants of countryside areas.

the countryside Example

  • We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the beauties of nature. ( हम ग्रामीण इलाकों में पले-बढ़े हैं, प्रकृति की सुंदरता से घिरे हुए हैं। )
  • If we continue to destroy the countryside many more animals will become extinct. ( अगर हम ग्रामीण इलाकों को नष्ट करना जारी रखते हैं तो कई और जानवर विलुप्त हो जाएंगे। )
  • The best way to explore the countryside is on foot. ( ग्रामीण इलाकों का पता लगाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका पैदल है। )
  • The feel for his native countryside comes through strongly in his photographs. ( अपने मूल ग्रामीण इलाकों की भावना उनकी तस्वीरों में दृढ़ता से आती है। )

More Sentence

  • She had a very vivid dream in which she felt she was flying over the countryside.
  • He got tired of the big city, and moved to a little village in the countryside.
  • After moving to the big city, Carlos was exposed to crime and poverty that he had never experienced in the countryside.
  • His uncle owns a large estate in the English countryside.
  • They lived in the countryside during the war.
  • Over 90% of the population of Malawi live in the countryside, usually in small villages.
  • Living as he did in remote countryside, he seldom came up to town.
  • The urban centers are becoming so overcrowded and polluted that a movement has started in which more and more people are looking to move into the countryside.
  • Increasing demand for ski resorts and hotels in Switzerland is resulting in a shrinking countryside.
  • As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.
  • I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.
  • For 50 miles he wasted the countryside.
  • The countryside was deserted and there.
  • Perhaps the countryside wasn’t all bad.
  • There were few lights in the countryside.
  • In the countryside the insurrection was accompanied by wholesale burnings of manor-rolls, the hunting down of unpopular bailiffs and landlords, and a special crusade against the commissioners of the poll-tax and the justices who had been enforcing the Statute of Laborers.
  • But Bolingbroke had already seized Chester, and was marching against him at the head of such a large army that the countryside refused to stir.
  • Half the regiments form bands and scour the countryside and put everything to fire and sword.
  • The laundry was one place she hadn't been yet and her wardrobe had dwindled down to a few clean items - none of them appropriate for a ride around the countryside with a man she hardly knew
  • The sun had mellowed and the countryside.
  • The countryside was way too flat for that.
  • I relax and look around at the countryside.
  • It reminded Ingrid of an Ohio countryside.
  • The same would hold in the Polish countryside.
  • The Moselle winds through some 160 miles of tranquil countryside.
  • Modern farming methods have done considerable harm to the countryside.
  • The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.
  • For holidays, I prefer the relative seclusion of the countryside.
  • I use a mosquito net when I lived in the countryside.