sight - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of sight in Hindi
- दृष्टि
- नजर
- अवलोकन
- दर्शन
- चमत्कार
- कौतुक
- लीला
- देखना
- दिखाई पड़ना
- निशाने पर निगाह लगाना
sight Definition
- the faculty or power of seeing.
- a thing that one sees or that can be seen.
- a device on a gun or optical instrument used for assisting a person's precise aim or observation.
- manage to see or observe (someone or something); catch an initial glimpse of.
- take aim by looking through the sights of a gun.
sight Example
- John was a familiar sight in the bar for many years ( जॉन कई वर्षों से बार में एक जाना-पहचाना नजारा था )
- he now refused to let Rose out of his sight ( उसने अब रोज़ को अपनी नज़रों से ओझल करने से मना कर दिया )
- I've always been scared of the sight of blood ( मुझे हमेशा खून की नज़र से डर लगता है )
- we are all equal in the sight of God ( ईश्वर की दृष्टि में हम सब समान हैं )
More Sentence
- even when using binoculars, it is difficult to sight the lens angle in reverse
- She must look a sight with red swollen eyes.
- He paused at the sight of Pierre.
- It was a curious sight.
- It was a bizarre sight.
- Still no post in sight.
- The mere sight of his.
- Tamlyn out of her sight.
- He caught sight of her.
- He caught sight of Hal.
- It was a terrible sight.
- No one was in sight when she reached the building, but the door was open.
- The very next day they came in sight of a little green island.
- Eureka stuck up her nose at such food, but the tiny piglets squealed delightedly at the sight of the crackers and ate them up in a jiffy.
- he had to sight along the planks in the proper order to get the line right
- Joseph lost his sight as a baby
- “I must look a frightful sight,” she said
- a sight test
- tell me when you sight London Bridge