price - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of price in Hindi

  • कीमत
  • मूल्य
  • क़ीमत
  • भाव
  • दाम
  • रेट
  • मोल
  • महत्त्व
  • दाम लगाना
  • क़ीमत ठहराना
  • क़ीमत पूछना

price Definition


  • the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something.
  • an unwelcome experience, event, or action involved as a condition of achieving a desired end.


  • decide the amount required as payment for (something offered for sale).

price Example

  • a pearl of great price ( बड़ी कीमत का मोती )
  • a wide selection of tools varying in price ( कीमत में भिन्न उपकरणों का विस्तृत चयन )
  • For the right price, I will assist any of them get home. ( सही कीमत के लिए, मैं उनमें से किसी को भी घर पहुंचाने में मदद करूंगा। )
  • You could have saved the price of staying at Bird Song. ( आप बर्ड सॉन्ग में रहने की कीमत बचा सकते थे। )

More Sentence

  • She was surprised she could walk at all and knew a few ounces of blood had been a small price to pay for Lankha's work, which she'd never have gotten for all the money in the world at home.
  • Suddenly, she was afraid she'd be tempted to pay whatever price he demanded, no matter how high.
  • I didn't want the silly picture anyway, and the price was right.
  • It is their duty, and a price that must be paid.
  • Here is a hogshead of molasses or of brandy directed to John Smith, Cuttingsville, Vermont, some trader among the Green Mountains, who imports for the farmers near his clearing, and now perchance stands over his bulkhead and thinks of the last arrivals on the coast, how they may affect the price for him, telling his customers this moment, as he has told them twenty times before this morning, that he expects some by the next train of prime quality.
  • "It was stopped by the Dark One, who knew what I'd do if he didn't stop it," she said.  "Darkyn led this assault without the Dark One's permission.  He was banished deep into Hell.  This time, I can do nothing, and they know it.  If you ask me, I will give Katie and your child back to you.  The price will be this."
  • Quinn quipped it would be worth the price of the car if she kept motoring north to Canada and out of our lives.
  • Parking wasn't a problem if you didn't mind paying the price of a good country dinner, but Dean didn't have time to hunt down a bargain so he reluctantly pulled into the closest lot.
  • land could be sold for a high price
  • He would not reduce it in price.
  • The price of wheat had reached an all-time low.
  • The car was a bargain at that price.
  • Stop beefing about the price increase.
  • They dickered over the price of apples.
  • A price paid for the taste.
  • So yours for half the price.
  • But they paid a great price.
  • The price hike? About 2,5%.
  • And this misery has a price.
  • The result is a lower price.
  • The High Price of Migraines.
  • They're selling off last year's stock at half price.
  • We are not used to haggling over price.
  • I bought it at low price.
  • Tickets include the price of refreshments.
  • The price is £25.50, including postage and packing.
  • The price will include the labour and materials.
  • the price of their success was an entire day spent in discussion