plentiful - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of plentiful in Hindi
- प्रचुर
- प्रभुत
- बहुत
plentiful Definition
- existing in or yielding great quantities; abundant.
plentiful Example
- the wine is good, cheap, and plentiful ( शराब अच्छी, सस्ती और भरपूर है )
- But despite all these measures the men, who had till then constituted an army, flowed all over the wealthy, deserted city with its comforts and plentiful supplies. ( परन्तु इन सब उपायों के बावजूद वे लोग, जिनके पास उस समय तक एक सेना थी, धनी, निर्जन नगर में अपनी सुख-सुविधाओं और भरपूर आपूर्ति के साथ प्रवाहित हो गए। )
- She had had plentiful opportunities for observation in their homes and her own. ( उसे अपने और अपने घरों में अवलोकन के भरपूर अवसर मिले थे। )
- He has an armoury of plentiful arms. ( उसके पास भरपूर हथियारों का शस्त्रागार है। )
More Sentence
- Graffiti also seemed to be plentiful.
- There would be seven years of plentiful.
- The opium poppy, like all poppies, requires rich moist soil, plentiful sunlight, and a clear area in which to grow.
- The number of horses was scarcely up to the average, the heavy draught horses being not quite so plentiful.
- Like other developing countries, Bangladesh catapulted into the global economy on the back of its cheap, plentiful labour force.
- The food was good the wine was cheap and plentiful and the company excellent.
- Her tears then were genuine and plentiful.
- Abound: Be plentiful; to have an abundance.
- Gods were plentiful in those days, and the.
- Vermont marble is the best and most plentiful in the United States.
- Under such conditions we might expect to find an extremely plentiful animal population, one as rich as that.
- Throughout Britain, as a rule, this species is one of the most plentiful birds, and is found at all seasons of the year.
- Advisers are always plentiful, but men are not.
- While there can be no doubt that the luxuriance of Japans flora is due to rich soil, to high temperature and to rainfall not only plentiful but well distributed over the whole year, the wealth and variety of her trees and shrubs must be largell the result of immigration.
- The water-works and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the Territorial government, and to the plentiful water-supply is partly due the luxuriant vegetation of the city.
- Jenn trotted through the orchard towards the city, energized by the plentiful magic in the world around her.
- Farther inland, where the rains are more plentiful, is the native home of the potato.
- Fish are plentiful round the coasts, and the whale-fishery was once an important industry, but the fisheries as a whole have not been developed.