manipulate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of manipulate in Hindi


  • सफ़ाई से चलाना
  • सफ़ाई से बरताना
  • फेंटकर अपने मतलब का चुन लेना
  • जोड़-जोड़ करना
  • साज़-बाज़ करना
  • तोड़ना-मरोड़ना
  • हेरफेर करना
  • जोड़तोड़ करना
  • हाथ से काम करना
  • कुशलता से काम करना
  • चलाना

manipulate Definition


  • handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful manner.
  • control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.

manipulate Example

  • the pupils can manipulate the data or screen image ( छात्र डेटा या स्क्रीन छवि में हेरफेर कर सकते हैं )
  • He's the only one who knew how to manipulate them. (वह अकेला है जो जानता था कि उन्हें कैसे हेरफेर करना है। )
  • My gift is the ability to manipulate minds.( मेरा उपहार दिमाग में हेरफेर करने की क्षमता है। )
  • Robots can manipulate matter smaller than we can even see, and robots can effortlessly manipulate objects that weigh many tons. ( रोबोट हमारे द्वारा देखे जाने की तुलना में छोटे पदार्थ में हेरफेर कर सकते हैं, और रोबोट आसानी से कई टन वजन वाली वस्तुओं में हेरफेर कर सकते हैं। )
  • He wasn't interested in marriage and he didn't want her trying to manipulate him into it. ( उसे शादी में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं थी और वह नहीं चाहता था कि वह उसके साथ छेड़छाड़ करने की कोशिश करे। )
  • Grim, she quickened her step as she debated how to manipulate her killer before the final blow fell. ( गंभीर, उसने अपना कदम तेज कर दिया क्योंकि उसने अंतिम झटका गिरने से पहले अपने हत्यारे को कैसे हेरफेर किया जाए, इस पर बहस की। )

More Sentence

  • nations may still be able to manipulate their own data
  • It thereby seeks to manipulate interest rates.
  • Enterprises have considerable incentives to manipulate data.
  • And individuals with the ability to manipulate what is written about a public person have enormous power.
  • They accused the government of trying to manipulate the composition of the conference.
  • It is good to manipulate a strained back but bad to manipulate the market.
  • The baby is learning to manipulate blocks. The mechanical arms are manipulated by a computer. The doctor manipulated my back.
  • The program was designed to organize and manipulate large amounts of data. 
  • He's always been good at manipulating numbers in his head. 
  • As part of the experiment, students manipulated light and temperature to see how it affected the plants. 
  • She knows how to manipulate her parents to get what she wants.
  • He or she uses a controller to manipulate the action.
  • Clap your hands to the music or manipulate baby's hands so that she is clapping.
  • He's accused of trying to manipulate the price of the stock. 
  • Social media can be a source of toxic fake news meant to polarize users and manipulate public opinion.
  • The exact methods used to manipulate periods will depend on the type of contraception.