make - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of make in Hindi

  • बनाना
  • बनावट
  • स्वभाव
  • रचना
  • नमूना
  • माडेल
  • शकल
  • आकार
  • गठन
  • रूप
  • करना

make Definition


  • form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; construct; create.
  • cause (something) to exist or come about; bring about.


  • the manufacturer or trade name of a particular product.

make Example

  • he wasn't going to make captain ( वह कप्तान नहीं बनाने जा रहा था )
  • How many are there? I make it sixteen ( कितने हैं? मैं इसे सोलह बनाता हूं )
  • we've got a lot to do if you're going to make the shuttle ( यदि आप शटल बनाने जा रहे हैं तो हमें बहुत कुछ करना है )
  • the sale price and extended warranty make it an excellent value ( बिक्री मूल्य और विस्तारित वारंटी इसे एक उत्कृष्ट मूल्य बनाते हैं )

More Sentence

  • the make, model, and year of his car
  • Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run.
  • Make life easy for yourselves.
  • Then we realize that there is nothing to make it stop.
  • We cannot detect anything that does not make a difference, and what we detect are the differences that are made.
  • There are several points that must be made in response.
  • I wanted to make this point clear in my article.
  • This may make it difficult to assemble a jury.
  • This will make the analysis much more involved.
  • One can make a parallel observation about postprocessualism, in two senses.
  • We want to make this point clear with an example.
  • It made sense, it was a natural way of hunting.
  • That does make sense.
  • You make a difference.
  • Did you make any real progress?
  • They didn't make it to the restaurant.
  • No matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn't remove the hurt.
  • It shouldn't make any difference if he's adopted.
  • So every time I buy a can, I make $8.
  • Make sure they don't bite you.
  • I'm going to make myself a sandwich and get back to work.
  • Make a decision next week about whether or not to buy it.
  • I always make it a rule to speak out.
  • I will go out and make believe that I am bringing him a present.
  • They are invaluable to make flags flutter on a still day, when there is no wind.
  • After all, it was the doctor's job to keep you healthy, not to make money when you were sick.
  • You're going to make yourself sick.
  • Sure, he'd had some rough times, but she had never done anything to make him think she would be unfaithful.
  • It was the word "water," and I continued to make some sound for that word after all other speech was lost.
  • I'll make us both a cup of tea
  • the best way to disarm your critics is to make them laugh
  • make him an offer he can't refuse
  • he waited confidently for his band to make it
  • let's make it 7:30
  • anyone can make a mistake
  • after breakfast you'd have until 8:25 to make your bed
  • I tend to make heavy demands on people
  • decorative features make brickwork more interesting
  • these dogs seldom make the news
  • they didn't always make it on time