love - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of love in Hindi


  • प्रेम
  • प्यार
  • प्रेम
  • प्रीति
  • मुहब्बत
  • प्रणय
  • चाह
  • वात्सल्य
  • कामा
  • लय
  • सुभगता
  • सम्मोह


  • प्रेम करना
  • प्यार होना
  • राँचना
  • बहुत चाहना


  • प्रेम योग्य
  • प्रीतिकर
  • चित्त आकर्षण करनेवाला
  • अनुराग


love Definition

  • a strong feeling that you have when you like someone / somebody ( एक मजबूत भावना जब आप किसी / किसी को पसंद करते हैं )
  • an intense feeling of deep affection. ( गहन स्नेह की गहन अनुभूति। )
  • a person or thing that one loves. ( वह व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो प्रेम करती है। )

love Example

  • "I love you baby, " Kelly says, hugging her. ( "मैं तुमसे प्यार करती हूँ बेबी," केली उसे गले लगाते हुए कहती है। )
  • I love you baby, and that's all that matters. ( मैं तुमसे प्यार करती हूँ बेबी, और यही सब मायने रखता है। )

More Sentence

  • "I, too, have known a mother's love for her child.
  • they were both in love with her
  • Now, I don't know her, but my heart goes out to her, and I'm sending my love .
  • It's alright my love . We're all feeling emotional.
  • He unexpectedly finds himself falling in love with a young refugee.
  • "I thought all girls love to dance.
  • she was the love of his life
  • He turned his love of surfing into a company worth more than half a billion dollars.
  • My love for her was as strong as ever, as it is now, at this very moment.
  • Looking forward to seeing you soon, Lots of love , Grannie
  • Passionate mutual love does not outweigh the imperatives of the class structure as they are presented in the novel.
  • It's alright my love you are safe with me.
  • Stop complaining about free speech and don't be a hypocrite, there's a love .
  • we were slowly falling in love
  • I send love to those who are here today and to those who cannot be here but who are listening.
  • But thousands of ordinary people would love the chance to enjoy opera more fully.
  • Falling in love with Maria, he comes to question rigid definitions of masculine and feminine.
  • But the biggest thing in Amanda's life was children, her incredible love for them and devotion to them.
  • They share a mutual love of music and both are very deep thinkers.
  • don't fret, there's a love
  • it was love at first sight
  • he has a great love of cooking
  • give my love to your mother
  • I would absolutely love to hear about it.
  • I had a great interest and love of music, and music was always a part of the family, but no one had ever pursued it.
  • Is it a story about love for your family, love for your country, a revolution.
  • my first love