lie - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of lie in Hindi


  • झूठ
  • असत्य
  • चालबाज़ी
  • अभिसंधि
  • झूठापन
  • असत्य भाषण


  • झूठ बोलना
  • लेटना
  • पड़े रहना
  • विश्राम करना
  • विश्राम लेना
  • अवस्थित होना
  • अस्तित्व रखना
  • निहित होना
  • झूठ कहना
  • झूठा करना
  • झूठा कहना
  • चकमा देना
  • चालबाज़ी करना

lie Definition


  • the way, direction, or position in which something lies.
  • an intentionally false statement.


  • (of a person or animal) be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface.
  • be, remain, or be kept in a specified state.
  • (of a place) be situated in a specified position or direction.
  • (of an action, charge, or claim) be admissible or sustainable.
  • tell a lie or lies.

lie Example

  • an action for restitution would lie for money paid in breach of the law ( कानून के उल्लंघन में भुगतान किए गए पैसे के लिए बहाली की कार्रवाई झूठ होगी )
  • the camera cannot lie ( कैमरा झूठ नहीं बोल सकता )
  • the lie, in deep rough on a bank, was not good ( झूठ, एक बैंक पर गहरी खुरदरी, अच्छी नहीं थी )
  • Mungo felt a pang of shame at telling Alice a lie ( ऐलिस को झूठ बोलते हुए मुंगो को शर्मिंदगी महसूस हुई )

More Sentence

  • I can't lie to him.
  • Zeb was also escorted to a room--so grand and beautiful that he almost feared to sit in the chairs or lie upon the bed, lest he might dim their splendor.
  • Jennifer didn't lie about her father.
  • You'd better lie down, said the countess.
  • Samuel Butler once remarked that any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.
  • Lucille Ball once said that the secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
  • Vladimir Lenin once suggested that a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
  • H. L. Mencken once noted that it is hard to believe a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.
  • Someone once said that a fellow who says he has never told a lie has just told one.
  • J. D. Higgins once noted that it is better to hear a truth which brings a tear, than a lie which brings a smile.
  • One afternoon noticing Natasha shivering with fever, Princess Mary took her to her own room and made her lie down on the bed.
  • You usually lie like a bragging fisherman, so I stopped asking.
  • She could not lie either on her face or on her side.
  • Since the campaigns of Austerlitz and of 1807 Rostov knew by experience that men always lie when describing military exploits, as he himself had done when recounting them; besides that, he had experience enough to know that nothing happens in war at all as we can imagine or relate it.
  • I have no need to lie to you.
  • I'll lie down at once, said Natasha.
  • I had to lie down for two hours because I was groggy
  • he was familiarizing himself with the lie of the streets
  • all their married life she had been living a lie