initiative - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of initiative in Hindi


  • पहल
  • उपक्रम
  • आत्मबल


  • पहल का
  • आत्मबल का
  • सूत्रपात
  • उपक्रमण
  • प्रेरणा

initiative Definition

  • the ability to assess and initiate things independently. ( स्वतंत्र रूप से चीजों का आकलन और आरंभ करने की क्षमता। )
  • the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do. ( दूसरों के कार्य करने या कार्यभार संभालने की शक्ति या अवसर। )
  • an act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something. ( एक अधिनियम या रणनीति एक कठिनाई को हल करने या एक स्थिति में सुधार करने के उद्देश्य से; किसी चीज़ के लिए एक नया दृष्टिकोण। )
  • (especially in some US states and Switzerland) the right of citizens outside the legislature to originate legislation. ( (विशेष रूप से कुछ अमेरिकी राज्यों और स्विट्जरलैंड में) कानून बनाने के लिए विधायिका के बाहर के नागरिकों का अधिकार। )

initiative Example

  • The outfit selected will be charged with estimating the likely future demand for broadband services in rural areas and assessing how much any initiative would cost tax-payers. ( चुने गए संगठन पर ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में ब्रॉडबैंड सेवाओं की भविष्य की मांग का आकलन करने और यह आकलन करने का आरोप लगाया जाएगा कि किसी भी पहल पर कर-दाताओं की लागत कितनी होगी। )
  • The skills they need include creativity and initiative , the ability to make decisions and solve problems, and a knack for working with others. ( जिन कौशल की उन्हें आवश्यकता है उनमें रचनात्मकता और पहल, निर्णय लेने की क्षमता और समस्याओं को हल करने की क्षमता और दूसरों के साथ काम करने की एक आदत शामिल है। )
  • At no stage have we shown, or sought to show, any competence, insight, initiative , wit, sobriety, sincerity or indeed any capability at all. ( किसी भी स्तर पर हमने किसी भी क्षमता, अंतर्दृष्टि, पहल, बुद्धि, संयम, ईमानदारी या वास्तव में किसी भी क्षमता को दिखाने, या दिखाने की मांग नहीं की है। )

More Sentence

  • And while I admire the ingenuity and imagination and initiative , it's not going to happen.
  • What's needed, he says, is a country such as Ireland to lead a peace initiative .
  • He admitted that, far from this move flying in the face of an American initiative for peace, it was carried out with Washington's backing.
  • The hallmark of Australian soldiers has always been one of personal initiative and independent action.
  • If there's anything that Reagan should be honoured for it was his preparedness to welcome the initiative offered by Mikhail Gorbachev to declare a Cold War truce.
  • The interviewer is looking for your ability to show initiative , take responsibility and communicate.
  • To be a hacker you need motivation and initiative and the ability to educate yourself.
  • Pupils of 600 schools are benefiting from a €500,000 government initiative to develop literacy skills this Christmas.
  • After the end of the Second World War, the French nation took the generous initiative of reconciliation with Germany.
  • One country can be a leader on one issue in which it has competence, initiative , resources and interest.
  • Any statewide initiative implementation that includes the above elements will be a usable citizen initiative process.
  • Saudi Arabia has introduced a peace initiative on behalf of the Palestinians that has been embraced by most of the Arab states.
  • By not immediately pressing them in their retreat from the village, he lost both the initiative and an opportunity to finally curb the tribesmen and end the war.
  • The first incursion into the refugee camps came just hours after Saudi Arabia presented its new peace initiative at the United Nations.
  • In New Earswick, the professor adds, the initial policing initiative was undermined by the gap between what the police were able to deliver and the heightened expectations of local people.
  • He added that he was a hopeful a new peace initiative to improve relations with Pakistan and India would succeed.
  • we have lost the initiative and allowed our opponents to dictate the subject
  • Perhaps the Confederation of Indian Industry's plan to launch a massive skill upgradation and training initiative over the next two years will help.
  • In his work he is persistent, independent and has initiative .
  • The strategic initiative will include a two-stage approach to move to the full globalization of the market for top-level domains.
  • The government's flagship sexual health initiative , Healthy Respect, is failing young people, according to a new study by Edinburgh University.
  • a Middle East peace initiative
  • Lynx were ahead after 50 minutes but surrendered the initiative and despite laying siege to the Swinton try line in the closing stages they were unable to claim victory.
  • The children showed great initiative , organisation and ability in raising the money, which will be used to benefit the whole school.
  • Ireland had not played particularly well in that first half, had forced a dream start but quickly lost the initiative as they allowed their insecurities and nervousness to manifest itself into their play.
  • Every state constitution has been amended far more often by the legislature than by initiative .
  • Oak's ability and initiative had taken him from humble origins to become a respected shepherd with sheep of his own.