ineligible - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ineligible in Hindi

  • अयोग्य
  • अपात्र


  • अनुचित
  • नामुनासिब

ineligible Definition


  • legally or officially unable to be considered for a position or benefit.

ineligible Example

  • as a son-in-law he was quite ineligible ( दामाद के रूप में वह काफी अपात्र था )
  • Members of Congress and holders of Federal offices are ineligible as electors. ( कांग्रेस के सदस्य और संघीय कार्यालयों के धारक निर्वाचक के रूप में अपात्र हैं। )
  • The governor is elected for a term of four years but is ineligible for the next succeeding term. ( राज्यपाल चार साल की अवधि के लिए चुना जाता है, लेकिन अगले सफल कार्यकाल के लिए अयोग्य है। )
  • He was legally ineligible for the consulship, having held none of the lower offices of state and being under age. ( वह कानूनी तौर पर कौंसलशिप के लिए अयोग्य था, राज्य के किसी भी निचले पद पर नहीं था और कम उम्र का था। )

More Sentence

  • All its members were declared ineligible for a seat in the legislature that was to replace them.
  • The deformity of the twins would render either of them ineligible to be enlisted.
  • They include previously ineligible debenture issues of very strong telephone and industrial companies.
  • He would have let the house, but could find no tenant, in consequence of its ineligible and insalubrious site.
  • But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.
  • Ulbrickson learned that despite the break, four of his varsity boys still had incompletes and were just days away from being declared ineligible.
  • I wish that at the end of the four years, they had made him forever ineligible a second time.
  • It was soon discovered that Mr. Stewart, being an importer, was ineligible for the office.
  • The governor's regular term in office is four years, and he is ineligible for a third term.
  • Violently attacked by the Boulangist organs, L'Intransigeant and La France, he won a suit against them for libel, and in 1889 he contested the 18th arrondissement of Paris with General Boulanger, who obtained a majority of over 2000 votes, but was declared ineligible.
  • they were ineligible for jury duty