implementation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of implementation in Hindi

  • कार्यान्वयन
  • कार्यान्वयन
  • अमल
  • कार्यरूप में परिणति
  • परिपालन


  • हथियार
  • औज़ार

implementation Definition


  • the process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution.

implementation Example

  • The TCP/IP implementation is still poorly documented. ( टीसीपी/आईपी कार्यान्वयन अभी भी खराब प्रलेखित है। )
  • However, we have stopped short at the implementation stage. (हालाँकि, हम कार्यान्वयन के स्तर पर कम रुके हैं। )
  • mplementation and enforcement can occasionally be patchy. ( कार्यान्वयन और प्रवर्तन कभी-कभी पेचीदा हो सकते हैं। )  
  • Common errors arise from authoritarian implementation. ( अधिनायकवादी कार्यान्वयन से सामान्य त्रुटियां उत्पन्न होती हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Institutionally(, implementation of policy requires a public procedure.
  • The implementation of this programme requires many concrete steps.
  • Many people are calling for a nationwide gun registry, but implementation of such a program would be difficult.  
  • Will uneven implementation cause disharmony or be an incentive to get on board?
  • Implementation of new grading procedures means that teachers will no longer be able to change scores once they are entered.  
  • Because implementation of the safety plan took longer than expected, several people lost their lives during the fire.  
  • And it could monitor the implementation of disarmament treaties.
  • When reading or listening to the Campbell's Homeschool Habitat materials, you will be given a chance to observe the implementation of relaxed homeschooling methods in a family's life.
  • The London Implementation Group has no hidden agenda.
  • This Model Implementation was designed to check C programs for strict conformance to the C standard.
  • Ministers will also propose stricter implementation of laws against racist and sexist remarks at matches.
  • A rapid acceleration took place in the implementation of the agrarian reform.
  •  Delays in implementation deadlines have, however, produced a lukewarm response from campaigners.
  • This Model Implementation was designed to check C programs for strict conformance to the C standard.
  • Instead, the initial implementation will appear as an Ethernet switch called the DragonSwitch, which fits into its existing Access/One hubs.