hyphen - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of hyphen in Hindi
- हैफ़ेन
- हायफ़न
- हैफ़ेन से लिखना
hyphen Definition
- the sign -, used to join words to indicate that they have a combined meaning or that they are linked in the grammar of a sentence (as in pick-me-up, rock-forming ), to indicate the division of a word at the end of a line, or to indicate a missing or implied element (as in short- and long-term ).
hyphen Example
- The plain hyphen should be interpreted by a user agent as just another character. ( सादे हाइफ़न की व्याख्या केवल एक अन्य चरित्र के रूप में एक उपयोगकर्ता एजेंट द्वारा की जानी चाहिए। )
- I would like them to wrap to the next line in the same cell, without inserting a hyphen or other character. ( मैं उन्हें एक ही सेल में अगली पंक्ति में लपेटना चाहूंगा, बिना हाइफ़न या अन्य चरित्र सम्मिलित किए। )
- Dashes Please use en dash or double hyphen in preference to single spaced hyphen. ( डैश कृपया एकल स्पेस वाले हाइफ़न को वरीयता में एन डैश या डबल हाइफ़न का उपयोग करें। )
- transliteration conventions followed by the corpus most enclitics are preceded by a hyphen linking them to their host. ( लिपियों के बाद होने वाले लिप्यंतरण अधिवेशनों को सबसे पहले एक हाइफ़न ने अपने मेजबान से जोड़कर देखा। )
More Sentence
- Those who omit the hyphen should be subject to an on-the-spot fine.
- The digits are divided into four parts separated by a hyphen or a space.
- Double-barrelled surnames should be transcribed as such ONLY when a hyphen appears in the source document.
- hyphen character in the middle of a word is not considered a word break.
- omit the hyphen.
- They usually consist of a single letter preceded by a hyphen.
- Each image name within their submission will then start with this character string followed by a hyphen.
- Where the name for which a prior right is claimed contains a hyphen, the hyphen cannot be omitted from the domain name.
- White space between words shall either be ignored or replaced by a single hyphen " - " .
- An operation halt day, indicated by a hyphen, must not be designated twice or more with the same date.
- hyphenated name you should omit the hyphen.