honour - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of honour in Hindi
- सम्मान
- आदर
- सत्कार
- पूजा
- संमान
- आदर करना
- शर्म
- प्रतिष्ठा
- मान करना
- मान
- प्रतिष्ठा करना
- संमानित करना
- भुगतान करना
honour Definition
- regard with great respect. ( बहुत सम्मान के साथ। )
- fulfill (an obligation) or keep (an agreement). ( पूरा करना (एक दायित्व) या रखना (एक समझौता)। )
- high respect; esteem. ( उच्च सम्मान; सम्मान। )
- a privilege. ( एक विशेषाधिकार। )
- a woman's chastity or her reputation for this. ( एक महिला की शुद्धता या उसकी प्रतिष्ठा। )
- an ace, king, queen, or jack. ( इक्का, राजा, रानी या जैक। )
honour Example
- it's a question of honour ( यह सम्मान का सवाल है )
- Some enterprises are not able to honour their obligations because of financial deficits in their operations. ( कुछ उद्यम अपने कार्यों में वित्तीय घाटे के कारण अपने दायित्वों का सम्मान करने में सक्षम नहीं हैं। )
- Banks were refusing to honour Pelican House cheques and nearly £1 million was needed to avert a total financial breakdown. ( बैंक पेलिकन हाउस चेक को सम्मानित करने से इनकार कर रहे थे और कुल वित्तीय टूटने को रोकने के लिए लगभग £ 1 मिलियन की आवश्यकता थी। )
- It is a depressing thought that any nation of free people would sell its honour so cheaply. ( यह एक निराशाजनक सोच है कि कोई भी स्वतंत्र व्यक्ति अपने सम्मान को इतने सस्ते में बेच देगा। )
- It is the duty of all families to teach honour and respect for women to their sons. ( सभी परिवारों का कर्तव्य है कि वे अपने बेटों को महिलाओं के लिए सम्मान और सम्मान सिखाएं। )
- Later this year, on 23 July, the City of Johannesburg will confer its highest honour on Mandela by handing him the freedom of the city. ( इस साल के अंत में, 23 जुलाई को, जोहान्सबर्ग शहर, मंडेला को शहर की स्वतंत्रता सौंपकर अपने सर्वोच्च सम्मान से सम्मानित करेगा। )
More Sentence
- getting this prize is a great honour for him
- Serving with a parliamentarian of Richard Prebble's calibre has been a rare honour and privilege.
- The women emphasized the importance of reclaiming tradition and returning honour and respect to women for the roles they perform in their families and communities.
- Mrs Young had the honour of being received by the Queen
- his portrait hangs in the place of honour
- Much has been made of the way Woods played the 72nd hole in Dubai, ending up with a double bogey seven, but all credit to Bjorn who birdied the previous hole to win the honour and then sent a cracking drive down the last.
- he won the top honour
- you are an honour to our profession
- he was defending his honour
- The Geological Society of London awarded him its highest honour , the Wollaston Medal, for his pioneering work in marine geology and sedimentology.
- Joyce has now learned to honour her father's memory
- Pakistan, too, was not short of players in the past who commanded respect and honour .
- So, well, cor blimey, what an honour to have one's work showcased by the BBC.
- to honour a promise
- It's an honour to be associated with the Transatlantic Challenge featuring 24 of the best players in the world.
- A distraught widow who was awarded £2,000 compensation by a utility company faced further anguish when the firm's bank refused to honour the cheque.
- He earned the general respect and honour of his contemporaries.
- This bill gives due honour and respect to Deaf people, and their unique language and culture.
- He said they had failed to honour their contractual obligations.
- They are normally treated with special honour and respect.
- to give sb your word of honour
- The book, as Mickie points out, is an honour to the memory of Harin Da.
- She is an honour to her family, friends, team-mates and the nation.
- The veiling of women by scarf or hood, and their seclusion, became a mark of honour and social status in cities of the Middle East and Mediterranean world in the centuries before the Common Era.