gin - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of gin in Hindi
- जिन
- जाल
- फंदा
- चरखी
- जौ की मदिरा
- बिनौला निकालने का यंत्र
- शराब
- एक प्रकार की शराब जो जौ या माल्ट से बनती है
- ओटनी
- मदिरा
gin Definition
- a two-handed form of the card game rummy in which players are dealt ten cards each and attempt to produce a hand in which the point value of unmatched cards adds up to ten or less.
- a clear alcoholic spirit distilled from grain or malt and flavored with juniper berries.
- a machine for separating cotton from its seeds.
- a machine for raising and moving heavy weights.
- a snare for catching game.
- treat (cotton) in a gin.
gin Example
- The emergency network had not been utilized, which meant that by morning one of the high-ranking men hiding underground would be on the phone to General Greene to complain about the lack of gin. ( आपातकालीन नेटवर्क का उपयोग नहीं किया गया था, जिसका मतलब था कि सुबह तक भूमिगत छिपे हुए उच्च श्रेणी के पुरुषों में से एक जनरल ग्रीन को जिन की कमी के बारे में शिकायत करने के लिए फोन पर होगा। )
- There are manufactures of boots and shoes, straw and leather goods, carpets, &c. Westboro was the birthplace of Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin. ( यहां जूते और जूते, पुआल और चमड़े के सामान, कालीन और सी का निर्माण होता है। वेस्टबोरो कॉटन जिन के आविष्कारक एली व्हिटनी का जन्मस्थान था। )
- The company also operates the last independent gin distillery in the United Kingdom. ( कंपनी यूनाइटेड किंगडम में अंतिम स्वतंत्र जिन डिस्टिलरी का भी संचालन करती है। )
- Gin Shops The 18th century saw a huge growth in the number of drinking establishments, primarily due to the introduction of gin. ( जिन की दुकानें 18वीं शताब्दी में पीने के प्रतिष्ठानों की संख्या में भारी वृद्धि देखी गई, मुख्य रूप से जिन की शुरुआत के कारण। )
More Sentence
- Keeler sipped at his gin and tonic.
- She sat and sipped a gin and tonic.
- Both men imbibed considerable quantities of gin.
- The orange juice had been spiked with gin.
- He was knocking back his 10th gin and tonic of the day.
- 'What are you drinking?' 'I'll have a gin and tonic, please.
- Melissa had guzzled gin and tonics like they were lemonade.
- Gin, vodka, whisky, beer - you name it, I've got it.
- Would Hamlet be more relevant if he was wearing jeans and sipping a gin and tonic at a cocktail party?
- A bitter fruit can be used in mixed hedgerow jams, or to flavor gin.
- I drink gin in pubs with no Real Ale or decent wine.
- There was a glass on an end table next to a half full bottle of gin.
- You know tonight I had to prevent the VP's commo guy from using the emergency network to order gin?
- The imports are chiefly textiles, metals and hardware, and gin.