gibberish - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of gibberish in Hindi

  • बड़बड़
  • निरर्थक ध्वनि
  • त्रुटिपूर्ण या व्‍याकरणशून्‍य बात
  • समझ की बाहर की भाषा या बातचीत


  • अस्पष्ट उच्चारण
  • अव्यंजन उच्चारण

gibberish Definition


  • unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.

gibberish Example

  • he talks gibberish ( वह अस्पष्ट बात करता है )
  • He spoke in tear-filled gibberish she didn't understand, and she moved away to the door. ( वह आंसुओं से भरे अस्पष्ट शब्दों में बोला, वह समझ नहीं पाई, और वह दरवाजे की ओर चली गई। )
  • Most of his writings were gibberish to me; Sanskrit or Mayan glyphs came to mind. ( उनके अधिकांश लेख मेरे लिए अस्पष्ट थे; संस्कृत या माया ग्लिफ़ दिमाग में आए। )
  • Quite frankly, LG should hide in shame for printing such childish gibberish. ( बहुत स्पष्ट रूप से, एलजी को इस तरह की बचकानी बकवास छापने के लिए शर्म से छिप जाना चाहिए। )  

More Sentence

  • He must have felt a little stupid up on stage singing total gibberish, flicking his long blond hair about.
  • As the Martians landed on Earth, the people who encountered them said they couldn’t understand their gibberish when they spoke.  
  • Grandparents sometimes believe that the rap music their grandchildren listen to is simply gibberish since they can’t understand the lyrics.  
  • Sleepwalkers will spout gibberish in their sleep since they are not conscious to fully make real words or sentences.
  • Honestly, the story is complete gibberish, with only the kind of goofy logic a child would come up with.
  • It is meaningless gibberish invented by Trudeau and his cabinet.
  • Later, when he woke up, he was talking normally, and not talking gibberish.
  • The answer will be 30% repetition, 30% wild conjecture and 40% utter gibberish.
  • It is the voice of Julie herself, spouting gibberish from the fevered world her brain resides in, but disturbingly real gibberish.