ghost town - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ghost town in Hindi

  • भूतों का नगर
  • छायायों का नगर

ghost town Definition


  • a deserted town with few or no remaining inhabitants.

ghost town Example

  • it's like a ghost town at weekends ( यह सप्ताहांत में एक भूत शहर की तरह है )
  • Though it was much talked about - and had plenty of controversy surrounding it - CBS did NOT pick up Kid Nation for a second season, leaving Bonanza City, New Mexico a ghost town once again. ( हालांकि इसके बारे में काफी चर्चा हुई थी - और इसके आसपास बहुत सारे विवाद थे - सीबीएस ने दूसरे सीज़न के लिए किड नेशन को नहीं चुना, बोनांजा सिटी, न्यू मैक्सिको को एक बार फिर भूतों का शहर छोड़ दिया। )
  • Now it's a ghost town. ( अब यह भूतों का शहर है। )
  • The emerops facility was across a field and a road then down a few blocks in the ghost town that was the city of Randolph on the eastern shores of the Mississippi. ( एमरोप्स सुविधा एक मैदान और एक सड़क के पार थी, फिर घोस्ट टाउन में कुछ ब्लॉक नीचे थी जो कि मिसिसिपी के पूर्वी किनारे पर रैंडोल्फ शहर था। )

More Sentence 

  • Dili is a ghost town which not very much left to loot.
  • This was not a resort town : it was a ghost town.
  • But the deserted shopping areas of a few cities resembled ghost towns.
  • Can Japan revive its nuclear ghost towns ?
  • Natural and man-made disasters can create ghost towns .
  • It’s like a ghost town here.
  • Four months later, Chamberlain has become a virtual ghost town .
  • By now, the camp is a ghost town .
  • Cities can die, or even become ghost towns .
  • The town of Manchester since then has become a ghost town .
  • Why is this place a ghost town after 5 p.m.?
  • Charlotte without an NFL team would become a ghost town .
  • Certain places are going to become what we call ghost towns,
  • Today Campos Verdes is known by many as a ghost town.
  • All shops were closed in what looked like a ghost town.
  • The town of Manchester since then has become a ghost town.
  • For the next 20 years Telluride was practically a ghost town.
  • It has been a ghost town since the early 20th century.
  • This is the ghost town of Aravaipa, not the wilderness area.
  • It's difficult to see ghost town in a sentence .
  • The amusement park in the background looked like a ghost town.
  • Instead he played travel guide, pointing out various sights along the way—the occasional abandoned mine building, steep slopes, and the ghost town of Sneffles where Dean had experienced yet another adventure, this one before marrying Cynthia Byrne.
  • First a sneak preview of the design Ghost town I intended the site to use a liquid layout with an elastic side column.