gastroenteritis - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of gastroenteritis in Hindi
- आंत्रशोथ
- जठरान्त्रशोथ
- जठरबृहदांत्रशोथ
gastroenteritis Definition
- inflammation of the stomach and intestines, typically resulting from bacterial toxins or viral infection and causing vomiting and diarrhea.
gastroenteritis Example
- I've got a little scar under my chin from when I had gastroenteritis. ( मुझे अपनी ठोड़ी के नीचे एक छोटा सा निशान है जब मुझे गैस्ट्रोएंटेराइटिस हुआ था। )
- This condition, called lymphoid hyperplasia, may also be associated with a variety of inflammatory and infectious diseases, such as Crohn's disease, gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, mononucleosis, and measles. ( यह स्थिति, जिसे लिम्फोइड हाइपरप्लासिया कहा जाता है, विभिन्न प्रकार के भड़काऊ और संक्रामक रोगों से भी जुड़ी हो सकती है, जैसे कि क्रोहन रोग, गैस्ट्रोएंटेराइटिस, श्वसन संक्रमण, मोनोन्यूक्लिओसिस और खसरा। )
- In 2014, he was admitted to a hospital for gastroenteritis. ( 2014 में, उन्हें गैस्ट्रोएंटेराइटिस के लिए एक अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया था। )
- But it can also bring on serious side effects, including gastroenteritis. ( लेकिन यह गैस्ट्रोएंटेराइटिस सहित गंभीर दुष्प्रभाव भी ला सकता है। )
More Sentence
- Becker was diagnosed with gastroenteritis, a tournament doctor said.
- Liverpool manager Gerard Houllier missed the match after being diagnosed with gastroenteritis.
- I had the vet and it was mineral deficiency of cobalt, selenium and zinc, together with parasitic gastroenteritis caused by worms.
- Over 200 passengers on board the Sea Princess luxury cruise ship were struck down by the norovirus bug, a form of viral gastroenteritis.
- Because the symptoms are quite similar to acute and chronic bacterial gastroenteritis of ferrets, stool samples need to be cultured for these bacteria.
- Gastroenteritis is the most common disease of the GI tract.
- Norovirus causes about 18 % of all cases of acute gastroenteritis worldwide.
- Norovirus is a common cause of epidemics of gastroenteritis on cruise ships.
- On December 1 of 2008, Orion died of an intestinal gastroenteritis.
- Most commonly these are episodes of gastroenteritis or a respiratory tract infection.
- Ensuring that food is prepared safely well-cooked and unspoiled can prevent bacterial gastroenteritis, but may not be effective against viral gastroenteritis.
- Lesions acute gastroenteritis, haemorrhagic enteritis, haemorrhagic enteritis; generalized congestion, particularly marked in the lungs.
- Breast fed babies are less likely to suffer many serious illnesses including gastroenteritis, respiratory and ear infections, eczema and asthma as children.