gastritis - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of gastritis in Hindi
- जठरशोथ
- पाकाशयशोथ
gastritis Definition
- inflammation of the lining of the stomach.
gastritis Example
- This effect is the same however the drug be administered, as, even after subcutaneous injection, the arsenic is excreted into the stomach after absorption, and thus sets up gastritis in its passage through the mucous membrane. ( यह प्रभाव वैसा ही है जैसा कि दवा दी जाती है, जैसे, चमड़े के नीचे इंजेक्शन के बाद भी, आर्सेनिक अवशोषण के बाद पेट में निकल जाता है, और इस प्रकार श्लेष्म झिल्ली के माध्यम से इसके मार्ग में जठरशोथ को स्थापित करता है। )
- For the diseases of the stomach in general see Digestive Organs; and for special forms Gastritis, Gastric Ulcer, Dyspepsia, &C.; also Abdomen (Abdominal Surgery). ( आम तौर पर पेट के रोगों के लिए पाचक अंग देखें; और विशेष रूपों के लिए जठरशोथ, गैस्ट्रिक अल्सर, अपच, और सी।; पेट (पेट की सर्जरी) भी। )
- Physical symptoms seen in adult alcoholics, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, or even cirrhosis, usually are absent in childhood alcoholics. ( वयस्क शराबियों में देखे जाने वाले शारीरिक लक्षण, जैसे कि जठरशोथ, अग्नाशयशोथ, हेपेटाइटिस, या यहां तक कि सिरोसिस, आमतौर पर बचपन के शराबियों में अनुपस्थित होते हैं। )
- In 1979, gastroscopy showed antral gastritis and duodenitis. ( 1979 में, गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी ने एंट्रल गैस्ट्रिटिस और ग्रहणीशोथ दिखाया। )
More Sentence
- Histological examination confirmed a severe chronic atrophic gastritis.
- Diagnosis : small hiatal hernia, mild antral gastritis and duodenitis.
- Gastritis : Inflammation of the stomach lining that is usually chronic.
- That night, he was taken ill, apparently with gastritis.
- Also, note that alcohol consumption does not cause chronic gastritis.
- Excess use of Rimadyl can lead to gastritis and ulcer formation.
- Having nearly starved to death, he suffered from chronic gastritis.
- The company said outgoing President Tsukahara suffers from chronic gastritis.
- We assume that gastritis is treatable within a shot period,
- Gnawing pains and burning with gastritis and ulcers.
- The histology indicated chronic active antral gastritis in all patients.
- No clinical data regarding the aetiology of superficial gastritis in these patients are given.
- Chronic atrophic gastritis and chronic active gastritis were graded as mild, moderate and severe.
- Using multiple linear regression analysis, gastritis with atrophy was the only factor that had an independent negative effect on acid secretion.
- H pylori positive gastritis, and the combination of active duodenitis and gastric metaplasia were independent predictors of duodenal ulceration.
- If you are suffering from gastritis, you may be at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency.
- Eating a diet rich in fiber and nutrients, avoiding alcohol and other irritants and getting enough fluids are good recommendations not only for the improvement of symptoms of gastritis, but also for general good health.