garlic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of garlic in Hindi
- लहसुन
garlic Definition
- a strong-smelling pungent-tasting bulb, used as a flavoring in cooking and in herbal medicine.
- the plant, closely related to the onion, that produces this bulb.
garlic Example
- He put a tray of garlic bread into the oven and the pungent smell of warming cheese filled the room. ( उसने लहसुन की रोटी की एक ट्रे ओवन में रख दी और गर्म पनीर की तीखी गंध कमरे में भर गई। )
- The second woman with the flushed face returned with a plate heaped with half a cooked chicken smelling of garlic and spices, rice, and fried plantains. ( लाल चेहरे वाली दूसरी महिला एक थाली में लहसुन और मसालों, चावल और तले हुए केले की महक वाले आधे पके हुए चिकन के साथ लौटी। )
- The Roman historian Pliny was so impressed by garlic and its healing powers that he listed 61 different medicinal uses for it. ( रोमन इतिहासकार प्लिनी लहसुन और इसकी चिकित्सा शक्तियों से इतने प्रभावित हुए कि उन्होंने इसके 61 विभिन्न औषधीय उपयोगों को सूचीबद्ध किया। )
- The Apemen of Jupiter didn't find the people of earth very tasty, so the Monsters from Planet 9 suggested they try roasting them with garlic and herbs. ( बृहस्पति के एपमेन को पृथ्वी के लोग बहुत स्वादिष्ट नहीं लगे, इसलिए ग्रह 9 के राक्षसों ने उन्हें लहसुन और जड़ी-बूटियों के साथ भूनने का सुझाव दिया। )
- New research indicates that eating garlic during pregnancy can cut the risk of raised blood pressure. ( नए शोध से संकेत मिलता है कि गर्भावस्था के दौरान लहसुन खाने से बढ़े हुए रक्तचाप का खतरा कम हो सकता है। )
More Sentence
- 1 tablespoon dill seed and 2 cloves garlic, for each quart
- It's difficult to see garlic in a sentence .
- Beat eggs, milk, mustard and garlic pepper until blended.
- 6 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced thin ( \ cup)
- Add garlic and ginger to chili-flavored oil in wok.
- Combine garlic and rosemary with wine, and pour over pork.
- Wash, trim and chop tomato fine; mince the garlic.
- After seven years, he decided to pack the garlic himself.
- Heat oil 30 seconds; add ginger, garlic and shrimp.
- Blanch basil leaves and garlic in boiling water a few seconds.
- Remove the garlic and rosemary from the skillet, and discard.
- Insert a clove of garlic and rosemary srpig into each slit.
- I made some spaghetti sauce with fresh garlic and basil for supper.
- The garlic on his breath was so strong that one could smell it from a couple of feet away.
- I really like the taste of garlic in food, but I don't like the smell of it on someone's breath.
- The garlic on his breath was so strong that one could smell it from a coupe of feet away.
- From the earliest times garlic has been used as an article of diet.
- Hardy bulbs of the garlic family, some species of which are ornamental; the inflorescence is umbellate.
- In England garlic is seldom used except as a seasoning, but in the southern countries of Europe it is a common ingredient in dishes, and is largely consumed by the agricultural population.