flex - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of flex in Hindi
- मोड़ना
- लचीला लपेटा हुआ तार
- रेशम लपेटा हुआ तार
- झुकाना
- मोड़ना
flex Definition
- (with reference to a limb or joint) bend or become bent.
- put a (skill, talent, or ability) to use.
- the action or state of flexing.
flex Example
- add rigidity and eliminate brake flex ( कठोरता जोड़ें और ब्रेक फ्लेक्स को खत्म करें )
- The change in strike could be wholly or partly due to flexing of the eastern domain boundary about the antiform axis. ( हड़ताल में परिवर्तन पूरी तरह या आंशिक रूप से एंटीफॉर्म अक्ष के बारे में पूर्वी डोमेन सीमा के फ्लेक्सिंग के कारण हो सकता है। )
- set windows in rubber so they flex during an earthquake ( खिड़कियों को रबर में सेट करें ताकि भूकंप के दौरान वे मुड़ें )
- in case the dead flex ( मृत फ्लेक्स के मामले में )
More Sentence
- I flex my muscles as I climb out of the driver’s seat and lock the car, then stagger painfully up the stairs
- Billy suddenly wants to end the conversation, but he is reluctant to let Bex flex her bright young wings
- The Sportsman received the proffered rod, noted the brief specifications inscribed on it indicating its intended line weight, length, and date of manufacture, then he carefully looked over its construction, made a flick of the wrist gesture to test its flex and handed it back to Mr
- As he reaches out for the flex and the switch, Ted is suddenly aware of something awry, something other, in the room
- she saw him flex his ankle and wince
- As a result, optimized policy in a flex-prices nominal-debt structure entails sizable inflation volatility, but only small movements of the tax rate.
- the talks were seen as a way for Merkel to flex her well-known diplomatic prowess