fervent - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fervent in Hindi
- उत्कट
- उत्सुक
- गरम
- तीक्ष्ण
- उष्ण
- उत्साही
- गर्म
- जोश से भरा हुआ
- चमकता हुआ
fervent Definition
- having or displaying a passionate intensity.
fervent Example
- a fervent disciple of tax reform. ( कर सुधार का एक उत्साही शिष्य। )
- They were fervent of all folk musicians in Romania. ( वे रोमानिया के सभी लोक संगीतकारों के प्रति उत्कट थे। )
- Whenever the people assembled for worship, fervent prayer was offered up to God in their behalf. ( जब भी लोग पूजा के लिए इकट्ठे होते थे, उनकी ओर से ईश्वर से प्रार्थना की जाती थी। )
- I raise fervent prayers to Heaven that the Almighty may exalt the race of the just, and mercifully fulfill the desires of Your Majesty. ( मैं स्वर्ग के लिए उत्कट प्रार्थना करता हूं कि सर्वशक्तिमान न्यायियों की दौड़ को ऊंचा कर सकता है, और दयापूर्वक महामहिम की इच्छाओं को पूरा कर सकता है। )
- Because Mark and Katy are fervent fans of the television show, they never miss an episode of the series. ( क्योंकि मार्क और कैटी टेलीविजन शो के उत्साही प्रशंसक हैं, वे कभी भी श्रृंखला के एक एपिसोड को याद नहीं करते हैं। )
- Their fervent political aspirations could not be concealed, and from the beginning of the Revolution they threw in their lot with the party of advance. ( उनकी उत्कट राजनीतिक आकांक्षाओं को छुपाया नहीं जा सकता था, और क्रांति की शुरुआत से ही उन्होंने अग्रिम पार्टी के साथ अपना बहुत कुछ फेंक दिया। )
- The unemployed workers are fervent protestors of the country’s economic policies. ( बेरोजगार मजदूर देश की आर्थिक नीतियों के घोर विरोधी हैं। )
- Had the refugees known their eventual destination, their prayers on Friday afternoon would have been especially fervent. ( यदि शरणार्थियों को अपने अंतिम गंतव्य के बारे में पता होता, तो शुक्रवार की दोपहर को उनकी प्रार्थना विशेष रूप से उत्कट होती। )
More Sentence
- Since terrorists are fervent about their beliefs, they will do anything to achieve their goals.
- As in the past, a fervent belief in supernatural nirvana is a good excuse to avoid doing anything practical about mundane earthly problems.
- Although the candidate made a fervent appeal for votes, he still did not win the election.
- A fervent supporter of Home Rule, he had converted to the Roman Catholic faith.
- One of her fervent fans was so excited at the prospect of new Jessica Alba bikini shots, he posted a series of pre-baby bikini pictures and invited people to vote on their favorite.
- Every available wall space was covered with graffiti and fervent slogans, or the accumulated remnants of countless religious posters.
- In a classroom, whiteboards covered in text and diagrams run the length of one wall, the backdrop to a fervent planning discussion.
- Daniel Koren and his company are fervent supporters of the Kimberley Process and other initiatives designed to eliminate the trade of conflict and blood diamonds.
- The fact is that Berlioz, who invented the modern orchestra, was a fervent reactionary throughout his life.
- They extend their fervent tasks to the province of Caraga, in Mindanao.
- Rising mortgage rates are already drawing down the fervent competition for homes, which could lead to lower real estate prices in later this year going into 2023.
- In real life, many men, despite their fervent love for their sweethearts, don't know exactly how to pop the big question.
- The condescension on one side has been met by a fervent reaction on the other.
- A fervent Roman Catholic, he devoted himself to advocating a patriarch type of Christian Socialism.
- Loud and fervent were the responses, continuing even to a late hour, but without producing any change.
- Her most fervent wish is to see the collection in a museum in her hometown of New York City—or maybe as a cultural history annex at the Barack Obama Presidential Library in Chicago.
- Unaltered in his love, he refused to share the task of her life, to aid in the work which he regarded with such fervent sympathy.
- If you are a fervent Scottish nationalist you may be hoping so.
- In a few cases remarkable incidents have produced a cure, such as the sudden clanking of chains, or a peculiarly fervent and impressive prayer.
- And the father, smiling at her, thought he understood the emotions which tied her tongue, which underlay her fervent good night kiss.
- But the social state of those natives was a hindrance to the abundant fruit that ought to be expected from the fervent devotion and charity of so distinguished missionaries.