feel your age - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of feel your age in Hindi

अपनी उम्र महसूस करो

feel your age Definition

  • to realize that you are getting old, especially compared to other younger people around you

feel your age Example

  • You just don't feel your age. ( आप बस अपनी उम्र महसूस नहीं करते हैं। )
  • However, she was beginning to feel her age and could not face an argument until it was unavoidable. ( हालाँकि, वह अपनी उम्र को महसूस करने लगी थी और जब तक यह अपरिहार्य नहीं था तब तक एक तर्क का सामना नहीं कर सकती थी। )
  • At 70, she is finally starting to feel her age. ( 70 साल की उम्र में, वह आखिरकार अपनी उम्र महसूस करने लगी है। )
  • Other times you don't feel your age at all. ( दूसरी बार आपको अपनी उम्र का बिल्कुल भी अहसास नहीं होता है। )
  • 'Some days, you feel your age . (  'कुछ दिन, आप अपनी उम्र महसूस करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Unfortunately, this is just at the time when a woman is starting to feel her age, so is especially vulnerable.
  • I heard a couple of years ago that they were being demolished - that makes me feel my age !
  • Looking at his grandson made him really feel his age.
  • If you are young, you must feel your age and engage in things that show you have power, but when you are old all these will go down.
  • Make me feel my age, tell you the truth!
  • DO you feel your age has stopped you, or someone close to you, getting the best breast cancer treatment and care?
  • It's difficult to see feel your age in a sentence .