feed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of feed in Hindi
- चारा
- भोजन
- भोजन कराने की त्रिय
- खिलाना
- खाना खिलाना
- खाना
- भोजन देना
- पालना
- भोजन करना
- चराना
- निवाला देना
- प्रदाय
- भरण
- खाद्य
feed Definition
- an act of giving food, especially to animals or a baby, or of having food given to one.
- a device or conduit for supplying material to a machine.
- a line or prompt given to an actor on stage.
- give food to.
- cause to move gradually and steadily, typically through a confined space.
feed Example
- the island's simple agriculture could hardly feed its inhabitants.(द्वीप की साधारण कृषि मुश्किल से अपने निवासियों को खिला सकती थी।)
- the plotter has a continuous paper feed.(प्लॉटर के पास एक सतत पेपर फीड है।)
- users who commit crime to feed their habit.(उपयोगकर्ता जो अपनी आदत को खिलाने के लिए अपराध करते हैं।)
- it could take time for higher earnings and dividends to feed through to investors.(उच्च आय और लाभांश को निवेशकों तक पहुंचने में समय लग सकता है।)
- the crops are grown for animal feed.(फसलें पशुओं के चारे के लिए उगाई जाती हैं।)
- I could feed my melancholy by reading Romantic poetry.(मैं रोमांटिक कविता पढ़कर अपनी उदासी को दूर कर सकता था।)
- cow feed.(गाय का चारा।)
- a feed pipe.(एक फ़ीड पाइप।)
- a satellite feed from Washington.(वाशिंगटन से एक उपग्रह फ़ीड।)
- I've just given the horse her feed.(मैंने अभी-अभी घोड़े को उसका चारा दिया है।)
- feed the lawn in spring and autumn.(वसंत और शरद ऋतु में लॉन खिलाएं।)
More sentences
- morays emerge at night to feed.
- make holes through which to feed the cables.
- how 'bout I fix up a nice hot feed?
- You don't strike me as the type to feed ducks.
- You'll feed them and everything?
- Even at the retail price, we could feed all the world's hungry for a billion dollars a day or $365 billion a year.
- The entire business of the psychic tipster has faded rapidly without new news to feed the sharks.
- You should never feed a human a rock, even by mistake.
- Mama bird will be back to feed them.
- You could walk around without your mask and feed whenever you were hungry.
- Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day.
- Fodder crops are used to feed livestock.
- Owls regurgitate partly digested food to feed their young.