faultless - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of faultless in Hindi

  • निर्दोष
  • दोष-रहित
  • त्रुटिरहित
  • क्षतिरहित
  • निरपराध
  • बेकसूर

faultless Definition


  • free from defect or error.

faultless Example

  • your logic is faultless (आपका तर्क दोषरहित है)
  • When this last sacrifice had been made, he was, even when tried by the maxims of that austere time, faultless. (जब यह अंतिम बलिदान दिया गया था, तब भी वह उस कठोर समय के सिद्धांतों द्वारा परीक्षण किए जाने पर भी निर्दोष था।)
  • She was absolutely faultless at it, never ever making a mistake. (वह इसमें बिल्कुल दोषरहित थी, कभी कोई गलती नहीं करती थी।)
  • The soprano soloists in the latter are very good tho not faultless. (उत्तरार्द्ध में सोप्रानो एकल कलाकार बहुत अच्छे हैं, निर्दोष नहीं हैं।)
  • On a 100-mile journey up the motorway, the Rover proved faultless. (मोटरवे पर 100 मील की यात्रा पर, रोवर दोषरहित साबित हुआ।)
  • Her phrasing, as ever, is faultless. (उसका वाक्यांश, हमेशा की तरह, निर्दोष है।)
  • The suit was faultless: Wood guessed that he was a very successful publisher or a banker. (सूट निर्दोष था: वुड ने अनुमान लगाया कि वह एक बहुत ही सफल प्रकाशक या बैंकर था।)
  • Her piano-playing was faultless. (उसका पियानो वादन दोषरहित था।)

More sentences

  • Her phrasing, as ever, is faultless.
  • The suit was faultless: Wood guessed that he was a very successful publisher or a banker.
  • Her piano-playing was faultless.
  • His five previous rounds were all faultless.
  • He then produces a faultless display on a dramatic afternoon.
  • The choice of hotels was almost faultless.
  • Yesterday, he produced another faultless defensive display.
  • And all three put in faultless performances to earn her a hat-trick of triumphs.
  • We had been disturbed, but the rest of our stay was almost faultless.
  • The show's final half hour was almost faultless.
  • Faultless police control of evidence would have precluded such an argument.
  • And certainly our leadership cannot be declared faultless in our problems.
  • We still gaze upon their faultless amphoras and statues with amazement.
  • I putted very well today, very solid, almost faultless.
  • Why, faultless, to misery and chains am I fated?
  • He produced a near faultless display that pleased coach Bernard Laporte.
  • UNDATED : By no means am I a faultless driver.