fallow - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fallow in Hindi
- परती
- बंजर
- ऊसर
- पीले भूरे रंग का
- तामड़ा
- पड़त
- खाली
- परती ज़मीन
- बोने के लिये भूमि तैयार करना
fallow Definition
- (of farmland) plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production.
- (of a sow) not pregnant.
- a piece of fallow or uncultivated land.
- a pale brown or reddish yellow color.
- leave (land) fallow.
fallow Example
- incentives for farmers to let the land lie fallow in order to reduce grain surpluses ( अनाज अधिशेष को कम करने के लिए किसानों को भूमि को परती रहने देने के लिए प्रोत्साहन )
- fallow the ground for a week or so after digging ( खुदाई के बाद एक या दो सप्ताह के लिए जमीन पर गिरें )
- The hill fields are left fallow for ten years after two years' cultivation. ( पहाड़ी खेत दो साल की खेती के बाद दस साल के लिए परती छोड़ दिए जाते हैं। )
- Nicholas standing in a fallow field could see all his whips. ( एक परती खेत में खड़ा निकोलस उसके सारे चाबुक देख सकता था। )
More Sentence
- The seventh day of rest was parallel to the seventh year of release and of the fallow field.
- The summer fallow with repeated ploughing was its basis.
- Ray, who made a tour along the eastern coast in that year, says, " We observed little or no fallow ground in Scotland; some ley ground we saw, which they manured with sea wreck.
- The first class includes the isabelline bear, badger, pole-cat, ermine, roe and fallow deer, wild ass, Syrian squirrel, pouched marmoset, gerbill and leopard.
- Artistic creativity often comes in bursts, followed by fallow periods.
- What is arresting about Fallows's case is his documentation.
- Fallows is a magazine journalist and a former Jimmy Carter aide.
- Evans said the dismissal had to do with Fallows'performance.
- Fallows told the staff he'd been dispatched by Zuckerman.
- Madurese have reputedly settled on fallow land and refused to move.
- He imported European fallow deer in 1978 and started venison farming.
- We have a resource that in many ways is lying fallow.
- The wild animals include bear, boar, chamois, fallow red and roe deer, gazelle, hyena, ibex, jackal, leopard, lynx, moufflon, panther, wild sheep and wolf.
- The new warp is allowed to lie fallow during the winter after being laid out in four-yard " lands " and becomes dry enough to be sown with oats and grass and clover seeds in the following spring.
- The native wild ducks are carefully preserved for sportsmen, in whose interests pheasants, red and fallow deer, and brown and rainbow trout have been very successfully acclimatized.
- The difference between this and the later law is that the seventh year is not called a Sabbath, and that there is no indication that all land was to lie fallow on the same year.
- long fallow periods when nothing seems to happen
- strips of summer fallow