fallen - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fallen in Hindi
- गिरा हुआ
- गिरा
- पतित
- पथभ्रष्ट
- स्खलित
- गिरा
fallen Definition
- subject to sin or depravity.
- (of a soldier) killed in battle.
- past participle of fall.
fallen Example
- fallen heroes ( गिरे हुए नायक )
- fallen human nature ( गिरा हुआ मानव स्वभाव )
- She had fallen off a bluff. ( वह झांसे में आ गई थी। )
- Fallen for her, I guess. ( उसके लिए गिर गया, मुझे लगता है। )
More Sentence
- She'd fallen asleep in Kris's library after half a bottle of whiskey and awoken in her own bed with a throbbing headache and dry mouth.
- The cost of interactive information exchange, such as asking questions about products you are contemplating purchasing, has fallen to nearly zero.
- I had fallen asleep reading and was sitting up in bed.
- Tailoring : Fallen cuffs can be repaired daily with Scotch Tape.
- In addition, the project has fallen six years behind schedule.
- Since the election, the Bolsa has risen and fallen sluggishly.
- The rider had fallen off.
- Having fallen with a 286.
- I must have fallen asleep.
- And he’s fallen for you.
- Another very important part of the jigsaw has fallen into place.
- It had fallen below its 23 dlr IPO price by July.
- But since it opened, business has fallen back to normal.
- You've fallen into the procrastination trap-- again?
- The Knicks have fallen to sixth place in the Eastern Conference.
- It's difficult to see fallen in a sentence .
- I thought how strange it was that such precious seeds of truth and wisdom should have fallen among the tares of ignorance and corruption.
- a fallen woman with a checkered past