explorer - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of explorer in Hindi
- एक्सप्लोरर
- अन्वेषक
- खोजकर्ता
- समन्वेषक
- खोज करनेवाला
explorer Definition
- a person who explores an unfamiliar area; an adventurer.
explorer Example
- These take their name from the explorer Vitus Bering. ( ये खोजकर्ता विटस बेरिंग से अपना नाम लेते हैं। )
- Cynthia was still sleeping when a speeding Ford Explorer passed them and Dean caught sight of Donald Ryland, with his son Donnie sitting beside him. ( सिंथिया अभी भी सो रही थी जब एक तेज रफ्तार फोर्ड एक्सप्लोरर उनके पास से गुजरा और डीन की नजर डोनाल्ड रायलैंड पर पड़ी, जिसमें उसका बेटा डोनी उसके पास बैठा था। )
- In 1871-1873 the great Russian explorer, Nicolai Prjevalsky, crossed the Gobi desert from the north to Kansu in western China. ( 1871-1873 में महान रूसी खोजकर्ता निकोलाई प्रेजेवल्स्की ने उत्तर से गोबी मरुस्थल को पार कर पश्चिमी चीन में कांसु तक पहुँचाया। )
- For days consecutively the horse of the explorer can get no other food than the dwarf birch. ( लगातार कई दिनों तक खोजकर्ता के घोड़े को बौने सन्टी के अलावा और कोई भोजन नहीं मिल सकता है। )
More Sentence
- Two days after this they sighted land to the right hand, and came to a cape, where they found the keel of a ship - perhaps a relic of some earlier, possibly Scandinavian explorer - and which they called therefore Kialames (Keelness; Cape Breton, or some adjacent point?); the long bleak sandy shores of this coast they called the Wonderstrands (on the east coast of Cape Breton Island?).
- But this eminent explorer had not proceeded far into the interior before he met his death, his last despatch dating from the Cogoon, 3rd of April 1848.
- BACK IN THE EXPLORER, I called in to Cappy.
- EXPLORER which is from the SEOMoz tool set.
- He looked like a naturalist or an explorer.
- He really did know the Explorer, from his.
- The panorama that was unfolded to the eye of the explorer was cheerless.
- Perhaps the amateur explorer has a penchant for old churches.
- He had felt like some daring explorer in an unknown country.
- The explorer took his cigar from his lips and gazed sternly at my companion.
- But Belzoni was too old an explorer to be deceived by such appearances.
- It is thought that it came from the name of the Portuguese explorer Diego Cam.
- I left the Explorer right there on the street.
- Before the explorer was half way towards the.
- I whistled to Martha and started up the Explorer.
- The Explorer slowed as they exited to US-69 north.
- It was left to the veteran explorer, Sturt, to achieve the arduous enterprise of penetrating from the Darling northward to the very centre of the continent.
- By this time, too, almost every explorer of savage life is a theorist.
- However, Shackleton is not the only polar explorer in demand.
- It does not seem that any maritime trade followed these discoveries, and indeed it is doubtful whether his contemporaries accepted the truth of Pytheas's narrative; Strabo four hundred years later certainly did not, but the critical studies of modern scholars have rehabilitated the Massilian explorer.