expanse - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of expanse in Hindi

  • प्रसार
  • विस्तार
  • प्रसारण
  • पैलाव
  • विस्तृति
  • चौड़ा क्षेत्र


  • फैलाव
  • प्रसार
  • आयतन

expanse Definition


  • an area of something, typically land or sea, presenting a wide continuous surface.

expanse Example

  • the moth has a wing expanse of 20 to 24 mm ( कीट के पंखों का फैलाव 20  से 24 मिमी . होता है )
  • There is a wide expanse of sandy shore, and bathing is excellent. ( रेतीले किनारे का विस्तृत विस्तार है, और स्नान उत्कृष्ट है। )
  • The promenade of Hamilton Terrace commands a fine view of the broad expanse of the Haven with its various towns and forts. ( हैमिल्टन टेरेस का सैरगाह अपने विभिन्न कस्बों और किलों के साथ हेवन के व्यापक विस्तार का एक अच्छा दृश्य पेश करता है। )
  • The morning dawned upon a boundless expanse of sea. ( समुद्र के असीम विस्तार पर सुबह हुई। ) 
  • On the horizon you could see an endless expanse of emptiness. ( क्षितिज पर आप खालीपन का एक अंतहीन विस्तार देख सकते थे। )

More Sentence

  • The new town, which lies on the flat expanse adjoining the crescent-shaped bay, partly on ground that has been reclaimed from the sea, has large and regularly built streets, and several large squares adorned with artistic monuments.
  • In July grass fires are of common occurrence, and frequently sweep over a great expanse of country.
  • Behind it, and freely communicating with it beneath the osseous bridge (the post-orbital process of the frontal) forming the boundary between them, is the small temporal fossa occupying the whole of the side of the cranium proper, and in front is the great flattened expanse of the " cheek," formed chiefly by the maxilla, giving support to the long row of cheek-teeth, and having a prominent ridge running forward from below the orbit for the attachment of the masseter muscle.
  • It speaks of things bold, a new kind of expanse.
  • In an aching expanse of emptiness, creative ideas pop up.
  • Yoyo means " a wide expanse of ocean ."
  • Tradition implies expanse and history; trend implies brevity and sensation.
  • The street is an expanse of frozen slush, but empty.
  • _Vast expanse of water, wide open sky, powerboats.
  • Just a vast, featureless and disorienting expanse of open water.
  • The largest uncluttered expanse in your home provides an extraordinary opportunity.
  • It's difficult to see expanse in a sentence .
  • This giant expanse of time is divided into three major periods:
  • The latter is buttressed against hills at a much higher elevation than the Kharan desert, which is separated from the great expanse of the Helmund desert within the borders of "Afghanistan by a transverse band of serrated hills forming a distinct watershed from Nushki to Seistan.
  • When the river is high the water rolls over the main falls in one great unbroken expanse; at low water (when alone it is possible to look into the grey depths of the great chasm) the falls are broken by crevices in the rock into numerous cascades.
  • the green expanse of the forest