exacerbate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of exacerbate in Hindi
- ख़राब करना
- गहरा बनाना
- तेज़ करना
- तीव्र करना
- तीक्ष्ण करना
- ख़राब करना
- बढ़ाना
- तेज करना
- चिढ़ाना
- खिझाना
exacerbate Definition
- make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
exacerbate Example
- He wanted desperately to put his arms around her but knew he'd just exacerbate the situation. ( वह उसके चारों ओर अपनी बाहें डालना चाहता था, लेकिन जानता था कि वह स्थिति को और बढ़ा देगा। )
- Excessive or hard exercise can exacerbate it. ( अत्यधिक या कठिन व्यायाम इसे बढ़ा सकता है। )
- He was largely responsible for the Scandinavian Seven Years' War (1562-70), which did so much to exacerbate the relations between Denmark and Sweden. ( वह स्कैंडिनेवियाई सात साल के युद्ध (1562-70) के लिए काफी हद तक जिम्मेदार था, जिसने डेनमार्क और स्वीडन के बीच संबंधों को बढ़ाने के लिए बहुत कुछ किया। )
- It's horror further exacerbated by this date : 1970. ( इस तारीख से यह भयावहता और बढ़ गई है: 1970। )
More Sentence
- The monthly expiration of stock and index options exacerbated the drop.
- It's difficult to see exacerbate in a sentence .
- Thin volume exacerbated the market's move, traders said.
- Kia's troubles may exacerbate financial problems at other companies.
- One market goes down, the dollar follows and exacerbates problems.
- This exacerbates the dilution of Microsoft shares caused by option awards.
- According to the National Women's Health Information Center, stress can cause or exacerbate physical health problems like high blood pressure, back and neck pain, and even diabetes.
- The attempt of the king to enforce the official use of the Dutch language, and the foundation of the so-called philosophical college at Louvain helped to exacerbate the growing discontent.
- Humidifiers should be adequately and frequently cleaned with bleach or comparable cleanser to avoid mold which can be aerosolized and then exacerbate existing allergies.
- You don’t want to exacerbate the problem by stressing it again.
- Short options embedded in callable bonds exacerbate this feature.
- One other behavioral bias has been found to cause and exacerbate momentum.
- And this witch? he asked calmly, trying not to exacerbate his brothers mood.
- The words ‘gone missing’ were the worse I could have chosen, sure to exacerbate Andrew’s.
- Often, the stress of worrying about school can exacerbate health conditions.
- Some medications exacerbate the problem.
- While effective they can cause depression, exacerbate asthma, decrease heart rate and increase danger of heart failure.
- There is better evidence that cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia.