even if - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of even if in Hindi

  • भले ही
  • यद्यपि

even if Definition


  • You use even if or even though to indicate that a particular fact does not make the rest of your statement untrue. 

even if Example

  • You always look neat and clean - even if you are a little out of style. ( आप हमेशा साफ-सुथरे दिखते हैं - भले ही आप थोड़े आउट ऑफ स्टाइल हों। )
  • I'll find a way to protect you, even if it takes a while. ( मैं आपकी रक्षा करने का एक तरीका ढूंढ लूंगा, भले ही इसमें कुछ समय लगे। )
  • I can't go back to Gabriel, even if I do win. ( मैं गेब्रियल के पास वापस नहीं जा सकता, भले ही मैं जीत गया। )

More Sentence

  • They will not be injured, even if they are not wearing safety belts.
  • His brother wasn't sure of anything or anyone else, even if he did match the faces in his thoughts with those around him.
  • She sat on the table and buried her face in her hands, grateful and relieved to be reconnected with Kiera, even if indirectly.
  • She studied him with more interest than fear, even if she did push herself into the corner again.
  • Too bad Denton didn't hear that - even if it did come from the lips of a child.
  • He was helping, even if he did so grudgingly.
  • I don't want you to lose anything, but you know I'd want to be with you even if we didn't have a dime to our name.