entrepreneurial - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of entrepreneurial in Hindi

  • उद्यमी

entrepreneurial Definition


  • characterized by the taking of financial risks in the hope of profit; enterprising.

entrepreneurial Example

  • our entrepreneurial spirit thrives on meeting the next challenge ( हमारी उद्यमशीलता की भावना अगली चुनौती का सामना करने पर पनपती है )
  • In 1997 she won the East Anglian entrepreneurial businesswoman of the Year. ( 1997 में उन्होंने ईस्ट एंग्लियन एंटरप्रेन्योरियल बिजनेसवुमन ऑफ द ईयर का पुरस्कार जीता। )
  • His mission is to create a culture of entrepreneurial success in Scotland. ( उनका मिशन स्कॉटलैंड में उद्यमशीलता की सफलता की संस्कृति बनाना है। ) 
  • Ideal person will have a desktop publishing and advertising / marketing background with an entrepreneurial spirit. ( आदर्श व्यक्ति के पास उद्यमशीलता की भावना के साथ एक डेस्कटॉप प्रकाशन और विज्ञापन / विपणन पृष्ठभूमि होगी। )

More Sentence

  • And with Roy acting as entrepreneurial go between, they found an increased and steady.
  • Maybe the biggest reason small companies outperform is just their entrepreneurial nature.
  • In working with small growing entrepreneurial businesses, I have discovered several common.
  • At a recent entrepreneurial meeting I mentioned this idea and was met with overwhelming opposition.
  • An Area that could help unleash the entrepreneurial dynamism of the people of Africa.
  • If you 're not single-minded and tough in these instances, your entrepreneurial activity is pretty meaningless.
  • We're not only seeing more entrepreneurial businesses emerge in the 21st century, but a more diverse group of startups.
  • As you probably are all too well aware, anarchy can reign during entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Shrinking -- à la Teledyne -- still isn't done except by a handful of shrewd entrepreneurial companies.
  • You have an entrepreneurial spirit (you want to take control of your finances through learning about the markets).
  • It will give me great happiness to know that this book has been of great help to you in your entrepreneurial journey.
  • Making and selling candles is also an entrepreneurial venture and is big business for thousands of independent contractors and sales persons across the United States.
  • Kat Von D Makeup is the latest entrepreneurial venture taken by Kat Von D, tattoo artist, reality TV star and owner of High Voltage Tattoo.
  • Regardless of which type of digital scrapbooking business you choose, there are several important legal considerations to keep in mind as you pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.
  • an entrepreneurial culture