encroach - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of encroach in Hindi
- अतिक्रमण करना
encroach Definition
- to use more of something than you should
encroach Example
- The marshes encroach most upon the parishes of St Charles, Orleans and Plaquemines. ( दलदल सेंट चार्ल्स, ऑरलियन्स और प्लाक्वेमाइंस के परगनों पर सबसे अधिक अतिक्रमण करते हैं। )
- He took in everything, noting the enemies had begun to encroach upon the neutral territory agreed upon in the cease-fire. ( उसने सब कुछ ले लिया, यह देखते हुए कि युद्धविराम में सहमत तटस्थ क्षेत्र पर दुश्मनों ने अतिक्रमण करना शुरू कर दिया था। )
- Gordimer doesn't allow her political activities to encroach on her writing. ( गॉर्डिमर अपनी राजनीतिक गतिविधियों को अपने लेखन पर अतिक्रमण करने की अनुमति नहीं देता है। )
- From the 12th century onwards, its bishops, the first of whom appears to have lived about the 3rd century, began to encroach on the authority of the viscounts; the latter, after the Albigensian war, lost their estates, which passed to Simon de Montfort and then to the crown of France. ( १२वीं शताब्दी के बाद से, इसके बिशप, जिनमें से पहला लगभग ३ शताब्दी का प्रतीत होता है, ने विस्काउंट्स के अधिकार का अतिक्रमण करना शुरू कर दिया; उत्तरार्द्ध, अल्बिजेन्सियन युद्ध के बाद, अपनी सम्पदा खो दी, जो साइमन डी मोंटफोर्ट और फिर फ्रांस के ताज के पास गई। )
More Sentence
- He laid out a fine park or Paradise, for pleasure and the chase, to the east of his palaces, and built up a magnificent "triumphal way" sixty-two cubits broad and forbade any householder to encroach upon the street.
- The mighty house of Abu Dolaf in the south-west of Media, which had never ceased to encroach on the Caliphate, was put down.
- According to Krauss, Boroevic refused to allow Scotti to encroach upon his line of march, and forbade Gen.
- In the New World preachers felt free to encroach and poach in search of souls.
- If the sea did not constantly encroach[Sentencedict], the salt within them would be washed out by rain.
- Submerged oxygenating plants sometimes encroach beyond reasonable bounds and these too should be dealt with regularly.
- He had, until then, been very unwilling to encroach on the authority of his formidable Secretary of State.
- One could not encroach upon the other.
- It will not encroach on important structures.
- The cathedral chapters took advantage of this situation to oppose their jurisdiction to that of the bishops, and to encroach on their prerogatives.
- For some two centuries (c. 750-950) there was a balance of power between the Gurjaras and Rashtrakutas, neither kingdom being strong enough to encroach on the other to any extent.
- Someone may be a beginner and encroach into "your" space, or perhaps someone was clumsy and accidentally kicked your bottle over.