embedded - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of embedded in Hindi
- अंतर्निहित
- एम्बेडेड
embedded Definition
- (of an object) fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass; implanted.
- (of a journalist) attached to a military unit during a conflict.
embedded Example
- medical equipment using embedded controllers ( एम्बेडेड नियंत्रकों का उपयोग कर चिकित्सा उपकरण )
- the embedded sentence has no overt introducer ( एम्बेडेड वाक्य का कोई प्रत्यक्ष परिचयकर्ता नहीं है )
- The room was never fully illuminated by the red lights embedded in the ceiling. ( छत में लगी लाल बत्ती से कमरा कभी भी पूरी तरह से रोशन नहीं होता था। )
More Sentence
- Embedded in the protoplasm are a number of starch grains.
- A third platinum coil, wound non-inductively between the primary and the secondary, served to carry the current by which the ring was heated; a current of 4.6 amperes, with 16 volts across the terminals, was found sufficient to maintain the ring at a temperature of 11 50° C. In the ring itself was embedded a platinum-thermometer wire, from the resistance of which the temperature was determined.
- A sliver of wood embedded itself in my finger.
- Embedded in the fabric was the name of the quilter.
- A benign tumor was embedded in her spinal column.
- Because the bride loved sparkles, many beads were embedded in her wedding dress.
- Much of the latter takes the form of hyaline supporting tissue, embedded in which are scattered cells and fibres.
- a gold ring with nine embedded stones
- embedded journalists were scrutinized for their ability to report with independence