embargo - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of embargo in Hindi
- घाटबंधी
- निषेध
- घाटबन्दी
- घाटबन्दी करना
- व्यापार प्रतिषेध
- व्यापार प्रतिरोध
- घाटबंधी करना
embargo Definition
- an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.
- impose an official ban on (trade or a country or commodity).
- seize (a ship or goods) for state service.
embargo Example
- an embargo on grain sales ( अनाज की बिक्री पर प्रतिबंध )
- the oil embargo of 1973 ( 1973 का तेल प्रतिबंध )
- Within five hours the Senate had passed the Embargo Bill and sent it to the House. ( पांच घंटे के भीतर सीनेट ने एम्बार्गो विधेयक को पारित कर सदन को भेज दिया था। )
- New York, whose growing shipping interests had suffered by the Embargo of 1807, was as a commercial state opposed to the war. ( न्यू यॉर्क, जिसके बढ़ते शिपिंग हितों को 1807 के एम्बार्गो से नुकसान उठाना पड़ा था, युद्ध के विरोध में एक वाणिज्यिक राज्य के रूप में था। )
More Sentence
- It was a notorious place for smuggling under the Embargo Acts of 1807 and 1808.
- When the Americans placed a tariff on Russian steel coming into the U.S., the Russians retaliated by placing an embargo on American chicken imports.
- He has been arrested on federal charges including violating the embargo on exports to Iran.
- The American Association for World Health has determined that the U.S. embargo of Cuba has dramatically harmed the health and nutrition of large numbers of ordinary Cuban citizens.
- In August 1990, the United States imposed economic sanctions on Iraq, including a full trade embargo barring all imports from and exports to Iraq, excepting only medical supplies, foodstuffs, and other items of humanitarian need.
- The government has placed an embargo on importing birds from various Southeast Asian countries due to an outbreak of avian flu.
- On my entering the harbor they laid an embargo on my vessel for a few days.
- At all events, no sooner was the embargo removed than commerce revived.
- Against the proposed embargo Wilson set his face steadfastly.
- Sorry I must place an embargo on the cigars you will find on the table.
- As a result of this session, a law was passed known as the Embargo Act.
- Critics are charging that the United Nations-imposed embargo is mainly hurting children and innocent civilians.
- In October 1973, OPEC announced that the Arab countries were cutting production and placing an embargo on shipments of crude oil to Western countries.
- We call for lifting the embargo on Iraq " .
- It is because new proposals to lift the sanctions on Iraqi civilians will automatically tighten the embargo on weapons bound for Baghdad.
- they must embargo means of transport