eloquence - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of eloquence in Hindi


  • वाग्मिता
  • सुवचन
  • वाक्पटुता
  • वक्तृत्व शक्ति

eloquence Definition


  • fluent or persuasive speaking or writing.

eloquence Example

  • a preacher of great power and eloquence ( महान शक्ति और वाक्पटुता के उपदेशक )
  • With more eloquence than judgment, he propounded theses bringing into relief the points in which the new doctrines clashed with the old. ( निर्णय से अधिक वाक्पटुता के साथ, उन्होंने उन मुद्दों को राहत देने के लिए थीसिस को प्रतिपादित किया जिनमें नए सिद्धांत पुराने के साथ टकरा गए। )
  • ' Pulpit eloquence is the branch of belles-lettres in which Flechier excelled. ( ' पल्पिट वाक्पटुता बेल्स-लेट्रेस की शाखा है जिसमें फ्लेचियर ने उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन किया। )
  • Again his eloquence charmed her. ( उसकी वाक्पटुता ने फिर उसे मोह लिया। )

More Sentence

  • But all this eloquence was wasted.
  • My eloquence convinced him.
  • Then his eloquence was overwhelming.
  • I hoped the pudding would stem the stream of her eloquence.
  • Girls are quick to read such signs and feel their eloquence.
  • I then abandoned him, recalled Mikhail with great eloquence.
  • Heathcliff's anger, restored to the boy his coward's eloquence.
  • Their pent-up eloquence, however, rarely finds its desired vent.
  • Emmanuel tried to comfort the women, but his eloquence faltered.
  • His eloquence had gone, in its place were short, crisp sentences.
  • He made no attempt at eloquence, at pathos, or emotional phrases.
  • As we remember eloquence then?
  • I asked when my eloquence was exhausted.
  • There was some revival of the art of the sermon at Versailles a century later, where the Abbe Maury, whose critical work has been mentioned above, preached with vivid eloquence between 1770 and 1785; the Pere Elisee (1726-1783), whom Diderot and Mme Roland greatly admired, held a similar place, at the same time, in Paris.
  • Shortly afterwards he received Mazzini a letter from an unknown person, in which he was and exhorted with fiery eloquence to place himself at the Young head of the movement for liberating and uniting italY.
  • What the man lacked in tact and diplomacy, he made up for in eloquence.