echo sounder - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of echo sounder in Hindi
- सोनार
echo sounder Definition
- a device for determining the depth of the seabed or detecting objects in water by measuring the time taken for sound echoes to return to the listener.
echo sounder Example
- It's difficult to see echo sounder in a sentence . ( एक वाक्य में इको साउंडर देखना मुश्किल है। )
- Delta were responsible for supplying all the electrics and navigation systems ( GPS Radio, echo sounder, EPIRB ). ( डेल्टा सभी इलेक्ट्रिक्स और नेविगेशन सिस्टम (जीपीएस रेडियो, इको साउंडर, ईपीआईआरबी) की आपूर्ति के लिए जिम्मेदार थे। )
- In addition to the single beam echo sounder, there are echo sounders that are capable of receiving many return " pings ". ( सिंगल बीम इको साउंडर के अलावा, इको साउंडर्स हैं जो कई रिटर्न "पिंग्स" प्राप्त करने में सक्षम हैं। )
More Sentence
- The bridge was moved up one deck . " Nordnorge " was fitted with an echo sounder, an electric logbook and radio telephone.
- The first echo sounder for the commercial fishing fleet came on the market in 1950.
- Between 1925 and 1927 the " Meteor " expedition gathered 70, 000 ocean depth measurements using an echo sounder, surveying the Mid-Atlantic ridge.
- The values of echo sounder depth can be plotted against the " true " depth of the bar.
- Says one author : " Close the land, navigating carefully and watching the echo sounder, and all will be revealed .