dysentery - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dysentery in Hindi


  • पेचिश
  • आंव
  • संग्रहणी
  • रक्तातिसार
  • आमातिसार
  • प्रवाहिका

dysentery Definition


  • infection of the intestines resulting in severe diarrhea with the presence of blood and mucus in the feces.

dysentery Example

  • Fever, dysentery and ophthalmia, chiefly due to exposure to heavy dews and cold nights, are prevalent. ( बुखार, पेचिश और नेत्र रोग, मुख्य रूप से भारी ओस और ठंडी रातों के संपर्क में आने के कारण प्रचलित हैं। )
  • He died five days afterwards, either of dysentery or by violence. ( पांच दिन बाद, या तो पेचिश से या हिंसा से उनकी मृत्यु हो गई। )
  • Milder cases of malarial fever are apt to become dangerous from the complications of dysentery, bronchitis or pneumonia. ( मलेरिया बुखार के हल्के मामले पेचिश, ब्रोंकाइटिस या निमोनिया की जटिलताओं से खतरनाक हो सकते हैं। )
  • His old enemy dysentery soon found him out.Flux, (a bloody): An intestinal disease; dysentery; pain of the bowels. ( उनके पुराने दुश्मन पेचिश ने जल्द ही उन्हें ढूंढ लिया। फ्लक्स, (एक खूनी): एक आंतों की बीमारी; पेचिश; आंतों का दर्द। )

More Sentence

  • At the end of a week dysentery attacked them, and the nights were made.
  • The rations weren’t nearly enough, and Louie was plagued by dysentery.
  • I couldn't get Glauber's, but this is what the Chinese take for dysentery.
  • By this time dysentery and enteric had taken toll of more men than bullets.
  • There is a good deal of dysentery about, and acute rheumatism.
  • Considerable dysentery among the men, and many reported unfit for duty.
  • Another had been chained to an Indian, and had dysentery while so chained.
  • In Mauritius the juice is used to treat dysentery and hepatitis.
  • In Diarrhoea or Dysentery the patient should take but little exercise.
  • And no more epidemics of typhoid and dysentery either," said Tom.
  • The water gave them dysentery which made the conditions even more unbearable.
  • In a camp with a lot of dysentery and little toilet paper, newspapers were priceless.
  • Fela is ill with a severe case of dysentery and has been hospitalized for the past month.
  • The men were suffering from frostbite, dysentery and typhus with little hope of survival.
  • The dysentery poison appears to exert its effects upon the glandular structures of the large intestine, particularly in its lower part.