drew - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of drew in Hindi
- ड्रयू
drew Definition
- to do a picture or diagram of something with a pencil, pen, etc. but not paint
- to move in the direction mentioned
drew Example
- He grabbed her waist and drew her close. ( उसने उसकी कमर पकड़ ली और उसे अपने पास खींच लिया। )
- He finally drew away. ( वह अंत में दूर हो गया। )
- He leaned forward, his hand finding her waist, and drew her toward him. ( वह आगे झुक गया, उसका हाथ उसकी कमर को ढूंढता हुआ, और उसे अपनी ओर खींच लिया। )
- But she drew the line there. ( लेकिन उसने वहां रेखा खींची। )
More Sentence
- He drew the bag of food towards him as he spoke.
- Gray drew near, drew close.
- I laughed, and drew my chair close to his.
- It was I who drew up this will.
- Gray drew close, bending towards the circle with intent eyes.
- Then he made a quick clutch at the wallet of money, and drew it close to him.
- Banfi drew nearer to his wife, seized her hand, and pressed it in his own.
- The moment he stooped Lumley drew out his pistol and took aim at him.
- I drew away from her breath.
- Smith drew the sack closer.
- He went to the bank, drew.
- The master drew confidence in knowing his legerity was superior to that of his opponents.
- I drew a straight line down the page to separate the two lists.
- The attack drew strong denunciations from leaders around the world.
- Their efforts to finish the work redoubled as the deadline drew near.
- The party drew most of its followers from among young people.
- Eric drew the curtain back.
- Drew and Cath kept the money.
- But my son drew himself to.
- Bald Pat at a sign drew nigh.
- Mrs. Spicer laid aside her wraps and drew a deep chair to the fire.
- But now he drew them forth and handed them to Dame Vizaknai.
- That large and sunny bed fell to my youngest brother, and I drew the letter I.
- It was Millicent; she drew me into the passage.
- He stopped and drew her close again.