dormant - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dormant in Hindi
- निष्क्रिय
- सुप्त
- सुषुप्त
- शांत
- शिथिल
- शांतचित्त
- प्रसुप्त
- प्रच्छन्न
- गूढ़
- अव्यक्त
dormant Definition
- (of an animal) having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep. ( (एक जानवर के) सामान्य शारीरिक कार्यों को निलंबित या समय की अवधि के लिए धीमा कर दिया; या जैसे कि गहरी नींद में। )
dormant Example
- Once fire was reintroduced, the dormant seeds germinated and grew on the newly revitalized habitat. ( एक बार आग लगने के बाद, सुप्त बीज अंकुरित हो गए और नए पुनर्जीवित आवास पर उग आए। )
- This happens because the virus lies dormant in local nerves until reactivated by factors such as stress or menstruation. ( ऐसा इसलिए होता है क्योंकि वायरस स्थानीय तंत्रिकाओं में निष्क्रिय रहता है जब तक कि तनाव या मासिक धर्म जैसे कारकों द्वारा पुन: सक्रिय नहीं किया जाता है। )
- For decades the old garden had lain dormant and almost forgotten as many others of that period often do. ( दशकों से पुराने बगीचे में सुप्त और लगभग भूल गए थे क्योंकि उस अवधि के कई अन्य लोग अक्सर करते हैं। )
- A club which had lain dormant for a decade and more has been rekindled. ( एक क्लब जिसमें एक दशक से अधिक समय से सुस्त पड़ा था और उसे फिर से जीवित किया गया है। )
- Formed from a now dormant volcano, the island is incredibly beautiful with craggy peaks and lush vegetation sloping down to the clear waters of the Indian Ocean. ( अब निष्क्रिय ज्वालामुखी से निर्मित, यह द्वीप हिंद महासागर के साफ पानी तक ढलान वाली खस्ता चोटियों और हरे-भरे वनस्पतियों के साथ अविश्वसनीय रूप से सुंदर है। )
- But although symptoms can lie dormant for 70 years, on average incurable mesothelioma takes between 10 and 30 years to develop. ( लेकिन हालांकि लक्षण 70 साल तक निष्क्रिय रह सकते हैं, औसतन असाध्य मेसोथेलियोमा को विकसित होने में 10 से 30 साल लगते हैं। )
More Sentence
- "There is an estimated €10m to €40m in dormant insurance accounts.
- Her otherwise dormant light side was also evident in her slightly awkward, nearly omnipresent smile.
- The plant sets fruit between July and September and it becomes dormant in early October.
- The next day the hiking group drove south to Tongariro, a national park with a couple of dormant volcanoes, to do the tramp.
- His previously dormant malicious side has surfaced again, and it's turned the public off.
- The case had been long dormant for years.
- It's pretty low with no big hills just a few small and long dormant volcanos.
- Many likened the situation to a dormant volcano that may erupt violently if matters are left unresolved.
- But he noted that other parts of the world have plenty of dormant volcanoes, including France and Germany.
- Haleakala, the dormant volcano reaching to 10,023 feet, is home to ‘Science City’, a research facility and observatory.
- Here the enzyme lays dormant until non-toxic drugs, called prodrugs, are given.
- Allow it to dry out and go dormant in late summer.
- All plants go dormant during the winter, but evergreens keep their foliage.
- Other viruses lie dormant for decades to come out in different ways.
- Seeds of winter annuals are often dormant at maturity.
- It's there in the white-clad high priest presiding in the temple at the summit of a dormant volcano.
- The summit of dormant volcano Mauna Kea is home to the world's largest astronomical observatory and most powerful telescope.
- We're working with prairie here; if it's dry, the plants go dormant .
- If not, however, he's definitely tapped into powers that have been long dormant in design.
- Now, you may remember how Mount St. Helens became active last year after it was dormant for decades.
- But it is estimated that it could be responsible for 10,000 deaths a year by 2020, as symptoms lie dormant for decades.
- When established plants go dormant in midsummer, you can divide them.
- Place them in a dark, cool cellar where they will dry out and become dormant .
- In 1996 the log shafts had been replaced by concrete caissons, but the mine was essentially dormant .