doorstep - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of doorstep in Hindi

  • दरवाजे


  • बरामदे की सीढ़ी

doorstep Definition


  • a step leading up to the outer door of a house.

doorstep Example

  • He stood on the doorstep and looked back into the house. ( वह दरवाजे पर खड़ा हो गया और घर में वापस देखा। )
  • I can't promise I won't end up on your doorstep before then. ( मैं वादा नहीं कर सकता कि मैं इससे पहले आपके दरवाजे पर नहीं पहुंचूंगा। )
  • And I haven't shown up on your doorstep so often because I want you out of my hair. ( और मैं आपके दरवाजे पर इतनी बार नहीं दिखा क्योंकि मैं चाहता हूं कि आप अपने बालों से बाहर निकलें। )
  • You show up on your in-laws' doorstep with your friend in tow? ( आप अपने ससुराल के दरवाजे पर अपने दोस्त के साथ टो में दिखाई देते हैं? )

More  Sentence

  • Next morning I went outside to get the paper and I saw a small black box sitting on my doorstep.
  • The new discovery of iron ore on their doorstep prompted them to build Teesside's first blast furnace in 1851.
  • And with a parting hug he set the youngster down at his doorstep and started him on his way.
  • Could he ever coax her to leave her dirty doorstep and her drink and come out here to live?
  • The mason rose from the doorstep and walked nervously to and fro in front of the shack.
  • And we could not go to bed with burglars perhaps waiting on the doorstep till we are asleep.
  • On the doorstep stood a man with white hair, wearing an unusual kind of cloak and a strange hat.
  • Three men were sitting on the doorstep of a house, two playing guitars, one playing the bandurria.
  • It's about Ed McMahon showing up on your doorstep.
  • Three months later, Isabel arrives on Alex's doorstep.
  • Politicians should approach an Asian doorstep as they would any other.
  • I think we have one on the doorstep in Antoine Walker.
  • On Sundays all the world drives to church, or sits on its doorstep and watches the rest.
  • Even then the Princess would have got safely away, but she saw a boy sitting on a doorstep crying.
  • A recent survey showed 96% of people did not want doorstep traders coming into their homes.
  • Standing on the doorstep is Jeeves, who's been sent by a domestic employment agency to be Bertie's new valet.
  • Dean hadn't received word from the Shipton family since Weller had deposited the baggage on his doorstep.
  • "The Others are right here on my doorstep, Jenn, and I can't find them!" the Black God said in frustration.