does - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of does in Hindi

  • कर देता है

does Definition


  • perform (an action, the precise nature of which is often unspecified).
  • achieve or complete.

does Example

  • Why does the rain fall? ( बारिश क्यों गिरती है? )
  • What difference does it make? ( क्या फर्क पड़ता है? )
  • Does human activity cause the planet to warm? ( क्या मानव गतिविधि ग्रह को गर्म करती है? )
  • He does not want my help. ( वह मेरी मदद नहीं चाहता। )

More Sentence

  • This does not bother you?
  • What does he have that I don't – besides money and good looks?
  • When I see that she is eager to tell me something, but is hampered because she does not know the words, I supply them and the necessary idioms, and we get along finely.
  • Eventually we reach the point where the technology does everything we need it to do.
  • He does not like the way father treats us - financially.
  • Who does he think he is?