disturb - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disturb in Hindi
- परेशान
- आकुल करना
- अशांत करना
- अस्तव्यस्त करना
- उत्तेजित करना
- बाधा डालना
- विघ्न डालना
- गड़बड़ फैलाना
- उपद्रव करना
- विक्षुब्ध करना
disturb Definition
- interfere with the normal arrangement or functioning of.
disturb Example
- Did I disturb you? he asked calmly. ( क्या मैंने आपको परेशान किया? उसने शांति से पूछा। )
- I hope they didn't disturb you too much. ( मुझे आशा है कि उन्होंने आपको ज्यादा परेशान नहीं किया। )
- I never came back to disturb her prayers. ( मैं उसकी प्रार्थना में खलल डालने कभी वापस नहीं आया। )
- She put the DO NOT DISTURB sign in place. ( उसने डू नॉट डिस्टर्ब साइन जगह पर लगाया। )
- That’s what DO NOT DISTURB signs are for. ( यही कारण है कि परेशान न करें संकेत हैं। )
More Sentence
- Someone dared to disturb his solitude once.
- Okay, sorry, hope I didn’t disturb you.
- I did not disturb her, but later when I 139.
- I needn't disturb them;' and I began to doze.
- I needn’t disturb them; and I began to doze.
- He did not disturb himself on Javert's account.
- No one dare to disturb the peace of strong men.
- Windows without shutters disturb his peace of mind.
- He had forgotten to put out the DO NOT DISTURB sign.
- The reverberation did not disturb the jar's contents.
- He took his leave, taking care not to disturb anyone.
- The reverberation did not disturb the jar’s contents.
- Sorry to disturb Sir but we have a problem at the.
- She did not, therefore, disturb him by suggesting them.
- She mouthed the word as she almost dared not disturb him.
- Then she perceived what had been going on to disturb her.
- They have no temper and it therefore cannot disturb them.
- People close to you have the power to disturb you the most.
- He will not disturb whatever magic it might be performing.
- He’s taking a nap and I don’t intend to disturb him.
- Brent stood his ground, not moving, afraid to disturb his.
- Tom gulped, afraid to give any commands that would disturb.
- Stone put out the DO NOT DISTURB sign and opened the box.
- No country dare to disturb the peace of powerful countries.
- We will not disturb him until he is finished the Reading.
- I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb your conversation.
- Juliet sensed his preoccupation and chose not to disturb it.
- The distresses of possible alternatives did not disturb her.
- He carefully walked into the bathroom as not to disturb them.
- The scientist in Paul told him to disturb nothing, that the.
- Sorry to disturb you, love, but I think I’ve broken the.
- They obviously found it necessary to disturb me here and now.
- He turns his steps rather than disturb an earnest caterpillar.
- I turned over as gently as I could, so I didn’t disturb him.
- Now hold that dress careful and don’t disturb those pins.
- Don't disturb yourself, that would be quite out of place here.
- I watch him and keep my mouth shut, not wanting to disturb him.
- They came to disturb my life- and there is not much of it left.
- I thought it was the best thing for him, so did not disturb him.
- They came to disturb my life—and there is not much of it left.
- Everything that could disturb the tourism is simply eliminated!.
- Moving softly he tried not to disturb the figure nestled in the.
- Sorry to disturb you, Jorma said to them and tugged Ava away.