distribute - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of distribute in Hindi

  • वितरित करना
  • वितरित करें
  • बांटना
  • विभाजित करना
  • फैलाना
  • अलग करना

distribute Definition


  • give shares of (something); deal out.
  • occur throughout an area.
  • use (a term) to include every individual of the class to which it refers.

distribute Example

  • you can distribute the system's output over your home network ( आप सिस्टम के आउटपुट को अपने होम नेटवर्क पर वितरित कर सकते हैं )
  • With information, we will distribute better. ( जानकारी के साथ, हम बेहतर वितरण करेंगे। )
  • Hence if we distribute electricity. ( इसलिए अगर हम बिजली वितरित करते हैं। )
  • Its object is to distribute all the materials evenly throughout the mass, and it is performed in many different ways, both by hand and by machine. ( इसका उद्देश्य सभी सामग्रियों को पूरे द्रव्यमान में समान रूप से वितरित करना है, और यह कई अलग-अलग तरीकों से किया जाता है, दोनों हाथ और मशीन द्वारा। )

More Sentence 

  • He argues that men having no free will have really no desert; therefore the divine equity must ultimately distribute happiness in equal shares to all; therefore I must ultimately increase my own happiness most by conduct that adds most to the general fund which Providence administers.
  • Conversely, trains arriving at A from B, C and D must be broken up. and remade in order to distribute their wagons to the different, dock branches.
  • Distribute 1/2 of the chicken over the cheese.
  • His Office is to distribute Presentations and.
  • Maybe Paul was using Tor to distribute his movies.
  • You may freely distribute this book, provided that.
  • The point is that it is important to distribute the.
  • Sell all that you have and distribute it to the poor.
  • It causes voices to equally distribute throughout, he said.
  • Siebeck proposed to distribute religions in three grades: (I) Nature-Religions, i.e.
  • Or, again, to distribute 20 apples amongst 5 boys, we are not regarded as dividing 20 apples by 5 boys, but as dividing 20 apples by the number 5.
  • This custom was primarily harmful to the kingthe greatest territorial magnate and the one most prone to distribute rewards in land to his servants.
  • Aluminum does tend to distribute heat evenly.
  • Subsequently all extraordinary refo Fiscalr expenditure was met by forced loans (prestanze), but the (1427),ms method of distribution aroused discontent among the lower classes, and in 1427 a general catasto or assessment of all the wealth of the citizens was formed, and measures were devised to distribute the obligations according to each man's capacity, sò as to avoid pressing too hardly on the poor.