distilled - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of distilled in Hindi
चुलाया हुआ
distilled Definition
- (of a liquid) having been purified by undergoing heating and condensation.
- (of spirits or an essence) produced by distilling.
- having been shortened so that only the essential meaning or most important aspects remain.
distilled Example
- Distilled water ( आसुत जल )
- A fine oil of turpentine is distilled from the crude material; the residue forms a coarse resin. ( तारपीन का एक महीन तेल कच्चे माल से आसुत होता है; अवशेष एक मोटे राल का निर्माण करते हैं। )
- A spirit has been distilled from acorns in process of germination, when the saccharine principle is most abundant. ( अंकुरण की प्रक्रिया में एकोर्न से एक आत्मा को आसवित किया गया है, जब सैकरीन सिद्धांत सबसे प्रचुर मात्रा में होता है। )
- The precipitated tellurium is then fused with potassium cyanide, the melt extracted with water and the element precipitated by drawing a current of air through the solution and finally distilled in a current of hydrogen. ( अवक्षेपित टेल्यूरियम को तब पोटेशियम साइनाइड, पानी के साथ निकाले गए पिघले और घोल के माध्यम से हवा की धारा खींचकर अवक्षेपित किया जाता है और अंत में हाइड्रोजन की धारा में आसुत किया जाता है। )
More Sentence
- When distilled with phosphoric anhydride they yield nitriles.
- The bottle is carefully cleansed by washing with soda, hydrochloric acid and distilled water, and then dried by heating in an air bath or by blowing in warm air.
- Their abdominal bones are like those of the marsupials; and they are furnished with pouches for their young, but have no teats, the milk being distilled into their pouches from the mammary glands.
- He then poured some of the oil he had distilled into their eyes.
- Nitric acid is then distilled over and condensed in the usual way.
- They assured us that the brandy was merely distilled from buttermilk.
- The ether should be distilled over at least twenty-four times.
- The juice, when not boiled down to form sugar, is either drunk fresh, or fermented and distilled to form arrack.
- It is decomposed, on dry distillation, into carbon dioxide and pyromellitic acid, C i oH 6 0 8 i when distilled with lime it gives carbon dioxide and benzene.
- The report is a distilled version of the main accounts
- The distilled whiskey is filtered through 3 meters of charcoal