dispiriting - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dispiriting in Hindi
- निराशाजनक
- दिल तोड़ना
- उदास करना
- उत्साहहीन करना
- खिन्न करना
- मन तोड़ना
dispiriting Definition
- causing someone to lose enthusiasm and hope; disheartening.
dispiriting Example
- it was a dispiriting occasion ( यह एक निराशाजनक अवसर था )
- “It’s completely dispiriting,” he said. ( "यह पूरी तरह से निराशाजनक है," उन्होंने कहा। )
- That receiving cash can kill is dispiriting. ( नकदी प्राप्त करना मार सकता है निराशाजनक है। )
- The image was arresting, and dispiriting. ( छवि गिरफ्तार कर रही थी, और निराशाजनक थी। )
More Sentence
- That’s the end of a surreal, dispiriting 45 minutes.
- In nearly a century since, that can-do vision had hardened into something more dispiriting.
- One possible take on this dispiriting saga is that China’s hair-trigger patriots are themselves victims.
- Survey after survey turns up the same dispiriting result: Americans aren't saving all that much.
- One possible take on this dispiriting saga is that China’s hair-trigger patriots are themselves victims.
- When the shake-out comes, history offers two dispiriting examples of how a consumer-friendly boom can turn into a stitch-up.