disparity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disparity in Hindi

  • असमानता
  • अंतर
  • विभिन्नता
  • इंतियाज़
  • भेद
  •  विषमता
  • असमता

disparity Definition


  • a great difference.

disparity Example

  • The great disparity of weight between the sun and the planets ( सूर्य और ग्रहों के बीच भार की महान असमानता )
  • Their life seems an immense disparity between effort and opportunity. ( उनका जीवन प्रयास और अवसर के बीच एक बहुत बड़ी असमानता लगता है। )
  • In some other respects also a certain disparity is apparent between a minister and his elders. ( कुछ अन्य मामलों में भी एक मंत्री और उसके बड़ों के बीच एक निश्चित असमानता स्पष्ट होती है। ) 
  • It is shameful to maintain a disparity with no rational basis. ( बिना तर्कसंगत आधार के असमानता बनाए रखना शर्मनाक है। )
  • Today, fewer babies are dying but the racial disparity remains. ( आज, कम बच्चे मर रहे हैं लेकिन नस्लीय असमानता बनी हुई है। )

More Sentence

  • It's difficult to see disparity in a sentence .
  • Rubin said in a speech to a forum on income disparity.
  • Blacks responded with fresh statistics showing huge racial disparities in wealth.
  • _Peacocks Coach Rodger Blind was hot about the foul disparity.
  • The disparity is intended to encourage investments that promote economic growth.
  • Tubbs again lamented the disparity in the number of free throws.
  • At least that explained the disparity in the teams'numbers.
  • The disparity of force was not so great as to make resistance altogether hopeless.
  • Denisov had two hundred, and Dolokhov might have as many more, but the disparity of numbers did not deter Denisov.
  • Sir James Yeo began by blockading Sackett's Harbor in the early part of 1814, but when the American squadron was ready he was compelled to retire by the disparity of the forces.
  • The disparity disturbed him.
  • What more astonishing disparity of military power does the history of fire-arms record?
  • Such a comparison reveals at once an enormous disparity in favor of the Church.
  • She makes no secret of the disparity between them, though she may avoid the cold fact of figures.
  • This disparity of losses emphasizes, as does nothing else, the deadliness of the American fire.
  • Notwithstanding the disparity in their ages, he and this new acquaintance were already fast friends.
  • In the kingdom of love t
  • This disparity made the subsequent contrast the more striking.
  • The greatest disparity in size between the sexes is met with in the tropical genus Nephila, the females of which are gigantic representatives of the Argyopidae.
  • It is calculated based on the disparity between your resting heart rate and your maximum heart rate.
  • In the parasitic Copepoda and Isopoda the disparity in size is carried to an extreme degree, and the minute male is attached, like a parasite, to the enormously larger female.